
He really has improved by leaps and bounds.

To show her true nature?

1. Colfer's delivery to Rachel about Elizabeth McGovern was fantastic.

They Groosalugg'd beautiful Wade! See you on CBS' spin-off of a spin-off of spin-off!

Agreed on Maddie and Jordan. Why cast name actors to play such underdeveloped parts? Jordan was fun (especially last week) but just there so Eli could have his hero moment. I can't think of any great moments for Maddie besides weirdly tone deaf  speeches on feminism.

That works.

That works.

Good god, the Hodge brothers are hot.

His greatest moment of the series.

Stay pony, Golden Boy.

I prefer JTT.

Not with these tax codes!

Even better that everyone else knew it was him, but were content to let it play out.

Oh shit, Lucy Lui! O-Ren Ishii would kill it.

Man alive, Chris Colfer can wear the shit out of a tux. Apparently I really like Kurt when he isn't being a judgemental dick.

It seems a little out of character for Finn, but it is fun to see Monteith douche out like a pro.

No one slouches like Sutton Foster. Her physicality is fantastic.

I believe that is an avatar of evil, vampire Willow. Points back on.

Owen was on point tonight.