Ace Freebird

Goddammit, the plural of "Jennings" isn't "Jennings," it's "Jenningses." And the singular possessive of "Jennings" isn't "Jennings'," it's "Jennings's." You're a professional writer, with access to a professional editing staff!

She was great in The Informant!.

Kanye West. "Should" like him, hate him instead.

Dammit, "try and" is not a thing. It's "try to," all the time, forever. Come on, AV Club.

You mean Amy Aquino as Neal's mom? Becky Ann Baker played Sam's mom. Right?

Frank's prostitute girlfriend will end up at Ziggy's new whorehouse, thus blending both inessential storylines into one grand shitshow.

The ultimate irony about Timothy is that he works in an industry that's all about disposability—ideas, trends, actual garments, etc. Fashion wants people to keep buying more new things, and this idea runs exactly counter to Timothy's sensibility, which is a stupid sensibility anyway.

Good show, Gale Boetticher.

Seward is done for. It would be too narratively convenient, and, as you point out, too unlikely given that he's two days away from execution. Plus actors like Peter Sarsgaard are usually one-and-done leads used to give a flagging series some heft.

My money is on new-dad prison guard. Bald prison guard as Pied Piper has been too telegraphed to be true.

This show is fucking terrible. We've been to all of these narrative places before!

This show is fucking terrible. We've been to all of these narrative places before!

Yeeeeessss! You brought back this incredible feature!!

Yeeeeessss! You brought back this incredible feature!!

Maybe there is a solid 10-12-track record here, but the band set out to make two distinct records and release them as one statement. Like Speakerboxxx/The Love Below.

Maybe there is a solid 10-12-track record here, but the band set out to make two distinct records and release them as one statement. Like Speakerboxxx/The Love Below.

The town I live in, population 5700, is a small town, and yet here I am posting on the AV Club. East Lansing and Tulsa, especially Tulsa, are not small towns.

The town I live in, population 5700, is a small town, and yet here I am posting on the AV Club. East Lansing and Tulsa, especially Tulsa, are not small towns.

Has no one mentioned Mr. Belding yet? He was the fat non-scientist Cool Whip guy.
