Ace Freebird

I think I saw the same thing. Or a tail. Or something lizardlike.

Master plan should have been really simple: kill Clay. Boom. Whole new direction for the club and for the show. But no, Sutter contrived obstructions in the name of…something…to make the this entire a season a wash. Absolutely nothing moved forward, which I suppose could be a kind of narrative momentum—how long can we

Riiight, "stabilize an important ally" by giving a narcotics cartel more power, guns, and ability to distribute narcotics. Totally buy that. Well written, Kurt Sutter. Fuck you.

You are correct, sir, on all counts.

I hated that scene, actually. There's only so much disbelief I can suspend, and that scene required far too much suspension. This whole episode was a huge disappointment, in fact. Sutter et al could have chosen the path of least narrative resistance (Opie kills Clay, full stop), which would have most satisfying and

"I like cereal."

Punching? Jax shot Opie in his gun arm.

Saw these guys open for The Walkmen (I know, right?) a few months ago and they were absolutely horrible. Don't waste your time their music.

Just like *SPOILER* Stringer Bell was a great loss to The Wire. Sometimes it just needs to happen. Honestly, where could the club, and the show, go with Clay still in the picture?

Bastard needs to go.

Hate his goddamned soliloquizing but otherwise he's OK.

Ahem, Lobos Sonora (sorry), as in the Mexican state of Sonora, which shares a border with New Mexico and Arizona. I assumed one of the dead guys in the truck was the president of the Sons' Tucson charter.

That is exactly the point.

I keep a substantial amount of ground chuck in my desk. If you don't remove it, it will start to smell.

Teti the Magnificent!

What kind of Christian things are funny? Seriously, what kind.

"Lou set himself on fire (and not in tribute to the Stars album)." Boooooooooo!!!!

Maybe Feinberg, with his memory loss/Alzheimer's, will be the "lucky" one who gets to move beyond his grief because he literally cannot remember it. And even that is a losing proposition: the only way to get past grief—to peak the mountain, so to speak—is to have your life wiped away, one way or another,

"You get the feeling that Leary thinks that any rancid behavior, so long as it's committed by a hyper-verbal penis on legs with solid blue-collar credentials, is defensible because it's liberating wild man behavior, a brave last stand against the forces of political correctness and the evils of the

I turned off the premiere after 20 minutes, and completely forgot about Tuesday's episode. Sad that I feel like I can read these recaps and feel completely up to speed.