Evil Abraham Lincoln

No dissing of Colin Quinn allowed!
He gets a free pass for life for his brilliant work on the greatest game show ever made, Remote Control!

The Bourne Company!?
Shit, Peter Griffin's gonna get fucked up by Jason Bourne using nothing more than an old copy of Atlas Shrugged and a spatula.

With all due respect,
in this day and age, how does anyone not have a point of view on abortion?

Ghost & Darkness
Except Michael Douglas's character is still a bad-ass, and he still gets eaten, so how did he ruin the movie again?

I'd be willing to pay good money
and/or kill a few people to get that rumored Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash (from Evil Dead) movie made.

This is awesome news!
But who's gonna play Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad?

Goddammit, get in out of the rain!
But Dad, I'm Jesus Christ!

WASP Candy Ass?
Isn't that redundant?

Solomon Grundy
want pants, too!

Green Lantern!
Yeah, but which one? I vote for Guy Gardner, played by Adam Baldwin.

Um, not to be a fucking nerd, but…
It ain't the Justice League without the Martian Manhunter, bitches!

You know that Michelle Rodriguez was in the first RE flick, right? And right as she was about to hook up with Milla, she gets zombified.

"The master of unlocking."
That bit of "dialogue" (I use the term loosely) from the first RE game needs to be in one of these sequels.

Mice in Cinderella
I think their names were Gus-Gus (the fat one) and Jacques (the skinny one). Or maybe it was the other way around…

Does Dianne Weist really find someone else's vibrator in this movie? Didn't we already see that scene in Parenthood?

I find it hard to believe
That Good Luck Chuck (grade: D) is still somehow better than Dragon Wars (grade: D minus).

Immortal Iron Fist
Easily one of the best superhero comics out there right now. Personally, I'm looking forward to the upcoming mortal kombat-esque story arc (although I've always been a sucker for that kind of stuff). Go Dog Brother #1!

I have no point.
I just needed to vent on Alan Moore.

Shoot Them Up
This movie's dumbness is exceeded only by its awesomeness.

Fuck V for Vendetta
And fuck Alan Moore. Fuck him right in the ear. He's a crazy overrated anti-social snake-worshipping has-been.