Evil Abraham Lincoln

Sad news
Pavarotti was cool.

Is SBC still slated to play Freddie Mercury in some upcoming Queen biopic, or did I just hallucinate that (again)?

Okay, you've convinced me.
I will now care about this.

See, Joe Blow? I miss stuff all the time.
I missed the last sentence of your first paragraph! I do get the whole idea/point of movie that lust for gold (and bridges?) makes people do stupid/crazy things, but I guess I didn't think it would make Angel Eyes THAT stupid.

Joe Blow
Not that I'm doubting your assessment of my question (I've been known to miss some pretty obvious things before), but would you be kind enough to point out what exactly I'm missing in this case?

What the hell is wrong with Angel Eyes!?
I mean, c'mon, how does he arrive at the conclusion that a three-way shoot-out with Blondie and Tucco is a good idea?

Keith David in live action roles:
John Carpenter's The Thing and/or They Live! Both kick much ass.

Master P gives himself a 24 Charisma!
All I want to know is, will I finally get to use my 12-sided dice?

How in the name of all that's holy
could you leave Support Your Local Sheriff off this list!?

RIP: Bart Allen
Alas, poor Impulse, we hardly knew ye.

You sir (or madam) are a freakin' genius! Day of the Remains. Awesome!

Can't believe Jet Li stopped making period martial arts epics just so he could crank out more of this crap instead.

This may actually be the first movie that I've read about here that doesn't immediately fill me with an overwhelming sense of dread and loathing.