Evil Abraham Lincoln

I'm sick of this second greatest evil president crap! I do my best, dammit! But Evil George Washington's always gotta steal my thunder!

Since when does anyone pay attention to my outbursts? Especially the blatantly obvious ones (i.e., "I'm dumb.")

Ok, I just looked it up on IMDB. Simon Pegg as Scotty. Makes sense. Should've realized that. I'm dumb. Carry on.

Wait, what?
Karl Urban as Bones!? He's gonna be the most bad-ass doctor since Quincy! Also, Simon Pegg's in this!? Since when? And who's he playing?

Meh. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut from now on. These typos and whatnot are getting too numerous to keep track of.

Yup, no need for a copy editor here.
Keep up the good work, AV Club writers!

Teeeeezdale's right.
It is kind of nice to be called out by the AV Club writers. And all the other posters. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love you all. And I promise to stop bitching about typos, bad grammar, poorly constructed sentences and the implication that Sendhil Ramamurthy has two dads. And a mom. Or

Apology accepted, Captain Needa - er, I mean Mr. Heller.
To be honest, my job is kinda fun, but not nearly as much fun as getting paid to read comics and watch movies and play video games and talk to famous people. Or at least, it's not as much fun as that stuff seems like it would be.

I loved Monster Society of Evil, but it felt a little brief to me. Maybe I'm still used to Bone's epic length (cripes, that sounds dirty). Oh well, a seemingly-brief Jeff Smith story is better than no Jeff Smith story at all.

Mr. Heller
You're absolutely right. I mean what are a few typos, here and there? Who cares if some reviews contain a poorly written sentence or two? Hey, maybe Mr. Ramamurthy really does have three parents!

Yeah I caught that right after I posted. But y'know, if it were my job to write about people in entertainment, I would've double-checked his name to make sure. As it happens, I'm at my real job, and so was in a bit of a hurry. What's your excuse?

Holy crap, AV Club!
For the love of Mike, hire yourselves a decent editor, please! Josh Whedon!? That Halo 3 review with the line about the story in the latest chapter of the story? Sandhil Ramamurthy being the child of two physicians and a classically trained actor? Seriously, this is getting a little embarrassing.

Wow, that is convenient!
You'd almost think that the law gives celebrities special treatment… Good thing we all know that's not the case!

My money is on
Killing Pablo. That was a pretty good book. Couple that with the director of Narc and you gots you some good movie-seeing there. Oliver Stone? Meh. Not so much.

God, this movie is awful.
A hundred Tigerlands and Lost Boys and whatever other half-way decent movies Joel Schumaker's made aren't enough to absolve him of the crime against humanity that is this so-called film. And the one with Jim Carrey wasn't much better.

But the real question is
who's the greatest lyricist of all time? I think we all know the answer to that:

And for the Frenchies
Woo on Wii ennui? Oui!

So I can't help but notice that someone changed that "story in this latest chapter of the story" line. Good work AV Club. Now where's my paycheck for freelance editing?

Who's editing this stuff?
"The story in this latest chapter of the story"!? It's right up there with that guy from Heroes and his three parents.

Is it just me,
or does that one sentence in the introduction "The son of two physicians… and a classically trained performer" make it sound like this guy has three parents?