Bronson Pinochet

He does basically save her; at least, he gives her an afterlife in the library computer, which doesn't seem half bad, really.

I don't think this finale was more grandiose than the last.  The last had the entire universe being destroyed already and the Doctor having to reboot it.  This one just had earth stuck in a bubble…granted it would spread outward from there, but it hadn't yet.  I guess an argument could be made that it was about as big

It depends on when he switched.  Was he in the Tesselector in the bubble timeline?  I thought that never really existed so he wasn't really in there yet.

I assumed Canton was there because there had to be more witnesses to the Doctor's death; it seemed like everyone had to believe the Doctor was dead for this plan to work - not only did he need to take a low profile, he needed the universe to think he was really dead in order for time to start up again.  River knew he

Skin car products? I'd watch that.

Gay Cruise
I do indeed remember when Tom said things like "What a nice day for ice cream. Good thing there's no gay people around!"

If this picture is any indication

I've been gleefully clownmeat-rolling people elsewhere all afternoon. This has made my afternoon.

How about Benson? Robert Guillaume is still alive.

@JustSmileAndNod, that made me choke on my lunch. What the fuck is that about? I got clownmeat-rolled.

Didn't he do "Insurrection"? That one is pretty bad.

I would recommend watching the pilot episode reviewed here, and then at some point watching the finale, "All Good Things…" The finale is pretty damned great.

Also, you know a very early episode that I rewatched recently that I actually really liked? "Where Silence Has Lease". With the weird face alien in space. The first half is super creepy when they're trying to find the star hole to fly out of, and the duplicate ship shows up. I loved when they were on the bridge

My favorite Season 1 quote is probably - besides Worf's ridiculous "DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" from the Q episode, is when they beam down to the crazy fog planet to meet the Jewish aliens, and they materialize split up, Riker yells for his comrades: "Worf! GEEEEORRDIEEEEEEEE!" Classic. I still quote that whenever I'm

Thanks for the Hitchhiker's reference, herc.

I'd love to know what they were thinking when they did "Masks." It was as big a miscalculation as anything TOS did probably.

I agree. This is one of my childhood things that I can still enjoy today.

Alexander is hilarious in that the actor who played him grew up to be a fucked up individual. Also, his character on the show did the same - didn't he go back in time to kill himself as a child or something?

He's just a mean human being. In the same way that Tom Cruise hates gays.