Bronson Pinochet

TOTALLY agree.  (Spoilers for Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace)  People like throwing around comparisons between The Dark Knight and Skyfall, and while I'm not a fan of making those comparisons, if they're going to be made, I'd say that Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace play sort of like the two halves of Batman

TOTALLY agree.  (Spoilers for Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace)  People like throwing around comparisons between The Dark Knight and Skyfall, and while I'm not a fan of making those comparisons, if they're going to be made, I'd say that Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace play sort of like the two halves of Batman

I liked his plan.  It wasn't so much an "evil scheme," which was fine.  He felt betrayed by M and MI6 (and Britain as a whole perhaps) and wanted to make her/them pay and suffer in some way.  It also worked to tie into the sort of Wrath of Khan-ish idea of old age and facing the possibility of being played out as

I liked his plan.  It wasn't so much an "evil scheme," which was fine.  He felt betrayed by M and MI6 (and Britain as a whole perhaps) and wanted to make her/them pay and suffer in some way.  It also worked to tie into the sort of Wrath of Khan-ish idea of old age and facing the possibility of being played out as

I always thought the point of that movie was less the evil scheme and more Bond's quest for revenge (as well as the "Bond girl" he paired up with and her similar quest).  It makes sense that perhaps the threat would be more mirco than macro (even though as pointed out below, the plan would have been devastating in

I always thought the point of that movie was less the evil scheme and more Bond's quest for revenge (as well as the "Bond girl" he paired up with and her similar quest).  It makes sense that perhaps the threat would be more mirco than macro (even though as pointed out below, the plan would have been devastating in

Yes.  Holy shit, this is hilarious.

Yes.  Holy shit, this is hilarious.

Disagree.  I don't get this criticism.  Texas Hold'em is quite popular these days, and there are some ludicrously high stakes games being played by plenty of rich people, European and otherwise.  (Read "The Professor, The Banker, and The Suicide King," great book.)  I liked the strategic nature of the game.  And

Disagree.  I don't get this criticism.  Texas Hold'em is quite popular these days, and there are some ludicrously high stakes games being played by plenty of rich people, European and otherwise.  (Read "The Professor, The Banker, and The Suicide King," great book.)  I liked the strategic nature of the game.  And

I don't get that, I found Quantum's plot less complicated than Casino Royale's, really. 

I don't get that, I found Quantum's plot less complicated than Casino Royale's, really. 

Totally agree.  I actually just watched Casino Royale and QoS back-to-back last night, and especially as a piece they work well together.  The point of QoS wasn't the bad guy's plot - it would have been silly to make it some huge laser beam or bomb plot or something old-school - it was more Bond's quest for revenge,

Totally agree.  I actually just watched Casino Royale and QoS back-to-back last night, and especially as a piece they work well together.  The point of QoS wasn't the bad guy's plot - it would have been silly to make it some huge laser beam or bomb plot or something old-school - it was more Bond's quest for revenge,

The price for the hardcover edition of James Bond, the Spy Who Loved Me by Wood is $1,110.93.  Sometimes the Amazon marketplace prices crack me up.

The price for the hardcover edition of James Bond, the Spy Who Loved Me by Wood is $1,110.93.  Sometimes the Amazon marketplace prices crack me up.

Yes!  I'd forgotten it was immortalized by MST3K.  I need to find that, I've never seen their take on it.  I actually love the movie, which I like to call OK Connery because that title just tickles me.  Of course, the music for that movie was done by the great Ennio Morricone and is actually pretty good.  Take the

Yes!  I'd forgotten it was immortalized by MST3K.  I need to find that, I've never seen their take on it.  I actually love the movie, which I like to call OK Connery because that title just tickles me.  Of course, the music for that movie was done by the great Ennio Morricone and is actually pretty good.  Take the

I've actually not seen that one, and now I must seek it out.  Thanks.  I enjoyed another one of the "From _____ With _____" title called From The Orient With Fury, which wasn't that spoof-y and was pretty good.

I've actually not seen that one, and now I must seek it out.  Thanks.  I enjoyed another one of the "From _____ With _____" title called From The Orient With Fury, which wasn't that spoof-y and was pretty good.