Bronson Pinochet

Yes, I'd have done Crusher. Troi in the episode she wore that cheerleader uniform.

I learned to just mute the theme song for Enterprise.

Yeah, they were trying to make it more touchy-feely, and having families and kids I guess were a way of doing that. But you're right, Kirk didn't have families on his ship (and I remember the underscoring of how dangerous that shit was in the one where they meet the Romulans, and the couple getting married ends

The Worf one ("Parallels"?) was pretty interesting. I liked the way they used his birthday cake and his personal log as indications he'd gone through realities. The ending with all of the Enterprises popping up was cool (the one with Riker from the reality where the Borg had won was pretty interesting), though I'd

TNG got good after Roddenberry bit it. It was always argued that he wouldn't have been a fan of DS9 and its war arc.

Yes, Data gets laid in that episode. And a whole slew of Data/Yar fan fiction was born (I know this only from that cheesy Trekkie documentary, I swear).

Evil Riker was the one who had gone all rogue and turned the beard into a goatee. Right?

I remember it came up a few times. I always felt it came up enough to satisfy me, I guess. I liked the way Picard and Wesley's "arc" worked out in the end; Wesley was annoying at first, of course, but eventually the history and whatnot of those two seemed to resolve in a decent way.

The bridge was described by a gentleman on these threads as a Ramada Inn lobby. I think it isn't quite that bad, but that isn't far off at all.

My prevailing memory of Geordi was that he was rather shy and reserved - his shitty exploits with women - with even Worf saying "I've got a lot to teach you about women" - etc. But I was rewatching some of the earlier shows and he was a bit different. It was weird seeing Riker planning something out with him and

The Drumhead…what a good episode.

I came close to buying the first season set at a pretty low price, but didn't. I have several episodes on DVD that I taped off TV a few years ago when they showed it (also, another one that came on that falls under this category: Benson. What a great show!).

Saw Best of Both Worlds recently and I have to say, it still held up. Still a great couple of episodes, with a surprisingly satisfying climax.

I thought Tasha was hot, but she was at times a grating character. But, they all were, and I think had she stayed on the show, maybe she'd have improved with the lot of them.

Agree with the sentiments here. I was also 6 when it came out (1980 represent) and I remember seeing Star Trek III on TV a week before TNG premiered and getting excited by the commercial (I actually clearly remember the "5 MORE DAYS!" in that commercial), and I remember sitting by the TV, VCR recording the episodes,

Next week
Just hit me that the three episodes next week…well, that's going to be a fun post and discussion. "Code of Honor" is probably the worst piece of shit Star Trek ever produced, and "The Last Outpost" is a turd and a half.

The chief's doing the pee pee dance.

Come again?

*past, not back

YES! My favorite was always Blaster Master. Love that game.