Bronson Pinochet

Completely agree. TNG started when I was 6 and I remember loving it. Watched it pretty solidly until the last season or so.

Permission to clean up the bridge
I give this a C. It isn't horrific, but it ain't great.

I just want to say I'm so glad we're doing this, and I'm glad Zack is writing these up. Really loved the TOS reviews, and though I grew up on the old show in reruns, being a child of the 80s I literally grew up with TNG (I remember sitting too close to the TV when the TNG pilot aired; I was 6). TNG sucked goats

Re: the Brent Spiner comment, I didn't see the last few seasons on their original run but caught up with them later, and that episode where the ship is turned into some weird Space Egyptian thing, and Data becomes these different characters…WOW. It was awesomely bad. Fun to watch.

You feed the baby chili?
Kyle, that is absolutely one of my favorite movies. I extol its virtues at every opportunity with my girlfriend, friends etc., but usually to no avail. I can quote whole sections of that as well.

Christ. It is unclear to me, won't these come off during sex? So then the lucky guy would end up with his own glittery crotch magic? (Dijazzled? Pejazzled?) Or would the woman, in the heat of passion, have to go excuse herself to remove the vag sparklies?


I adore how people hear stuff that didn't get said on this show. The show obviously has people listening/watching much harder than other shows, clamoring for possible clues. I find the mishearing of Keamy name-dropping the island almost as funny as somewhere that I read last week Jacob, when going up to the Man in

You know we from Mepos get bong and bung mixed up all the time.

You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.

Holy fucking Freudian slip.

It was also said in what I assume is important dialogue that Zoe is in charge, and so then Widmore "put a geophysicist in charge". That's got to be pretty important.

I've taken it to mean that people have been saying that these sideways stories are "meh". I know Damon has reacted to the cries of it being filler etc. I have a feeling you're right, Noel: we're going to see that they are actually of great importance, and Desmond's episode will be where we start to see it come

Is Fresh Ari some sort of hip-hop act?

As far as the sideways world being a result of EviLocke leaving the island, I've been running with that prediction for a while also…but what Widmore said gave me pause. The whole thing of "evil will escape the island" if Locke leaves has made me wonder what that means…the world will have more evil? Not sure

I think Jin was admiring his package in the mirror while hiding from Keamy.

I agree and disagree. I think the sideways stories will amount to something important; I get invested because I fully expect a good resolution, and that anticipation seems to invest me. I also felt this episode did move us in some way; I feel like one function of the sideways has to do with destiny/fate, and it is

Yeah, I LOVED how Jacob-like Jack was in this episode. That scene with Sun, he just seemed…I don't know, confident? I am really enjoying the movement of Jack's character.

I don't think I'd ever found the character of Sun to be that attractive. The Sun of that scene, however…I'd slam her like a screen door.

I assume most of these characters bite it in the end. I strongly suspect Sun or Jin will die, maybe both. I don't see very many characters making it to the end. Keamy's line to Jin is something I predict is a key summation of these two characters fate.