Bronson Pinochet

I actually thought this was good. I guess I didn't care that I knew Jin ended up in the freezer and Sayid would rescue him; I liked seeing the way they all fit together. Even knowing the other pieces, I found it quite fun to see them fit.

It was very nice to see more from Sun than "Have you seen my husband?" and "I've got to find my husband." I couldn't imagine a Sun/Jin episode being much better than this; these are not mythology characters. This was a very good LOST character episode, actually done well.

I'm not a fan of Jin and Sun episodes - I don't hate them, but I wouldn't say I'm a fan (though I think I've become more a fan of these two characters, especially Jin, over time). But I found this one good. Jin and Sun's romance was actually somewhat sweet (and more well done on this show than most so-called romance

Whoever Juliet shot was shooting at them first. So whoever it ends up being on the other end of that scene, it has to be someone who chases and shoots first. I guess I could buy that Sawyer doesn't remember that whole thing, but not really, so I assume it isn't Sawyer in the other outrigger.

I'm relatively happy with the sideways stuff. I trust that it will be of importance to the show as a whole. I get the idea that the producers don't want us to automatically think it is secondary to the "main" timeline. I get the feeling that many viewers see the sideways as some sort of detraction, which means they

Yeah, I figure Widmore sees Desmond as something to be used and not as a "he." In fact, I imagine Widmore has always known this to be the case. His dislike of Desmond has always seemed to perhaps be pushing him (in a more subtle way than Hawking did…if she knew what Des' destiny was, I would guess there's a good

@ st. murse, good catch! I noticed it when watching the episode but forgot about it.

I too liked this episode. More than I expected. The sideways in this episode seemed to "fit" better (not sure the best way to say that). Also, Keamy's comment to Jin in the freezer - "Some people aren't meant to be together" - I think was very key. I've wondered for a while if in the end Jin and Sun don't end up

I still think the "infection" is not quite literal, and that perhaps Sayid will redeem himself in the end, maybe as a sacrifice. Though I guess if I had to take a guess, I'd say he dies seemingly "evil." But I agree, it was interesting to see a reaction that seemed to suggest "feeling," specifically after Sayid was

I must be the only person that wasn't totally disappointed by Eko's death scene. I'd have rather they not killed that guy off, as his story always seemed to be destined for a bigger arc, but they had to do it, and with that in mind, I found the way they did it to be as satisfying as it probably could have been.

Yeah, they've both lied by omission, or by misdirection. Regardless of who ends up being ultimately the "good guy", they've both manipulated and either directly killed (Smoke monster) or indirectly (Jacob).

Ever time they get in those fucking outriggers I get excited. Especially when it was the baddies getting in there. I thought for sure it would end up with us seeing the other end of that outrigger chase. They're teasing us!

Nice package
I actually quite enjoyed this episode.

I too read it on first glance as Breakfast Tonic Wine. I was momentarily excited; finally, a specific wine for me. I can stop drinking dinner wines in the AM.

Sapiens. No homo.