Lord Gaga

I'm sure that was the angle (Alex seems like one of those thousands of cats after the poker boom that meta-crunched that game into the soulless husk it is now), but what would be the point on Jeopardy? In poker, the behavior makes perfect sense as a way to try to influence betting patterns to your benefit. But on

Get well soon!

I wonder if these cats just start keep slipping weirder and nuttier shit into these games, trying to see exactly what the cut-off point is for how incoherent they can get before the free money stops coming in.

I know! Bright, charming, pretty, and she plays 'Portal.' What's not to like? It's just hard for the more traditional players to compete with the ruthless new style.

The new style of Jeopardy play has really exposed the flaws in the game's design, particularly the Golden Snitch nature of the Daily Doubles. The great game of trivia and knowledge is turning into Mario Party.

Ouch! Poor Maggie Gyllenhaal. Not that she's packing them in at the multiplexes or anything, but she was in The Dark Knight and most serious film fans seem to like her. Maybe Kimberly J. Brown is one of those folks that visits their own IMDB page 300 times a day just to keep it at the top of the list, like I

I really hope the last game involves Matt and Alex on the far podiums, with one of the normals trapped between them like they're in some kind of autistic horror movie.

I love how Jeopardy has a new meta game where you have to figure out where the current champion lands on the autism spectrum.

Netflix walks back comments; admits there's way too much fucking T.V. right now.

Now he can return to his true passion: strangling nurses.

"IT'S PUNKANINNY!" - New York Times

Well, they shouldn't have gone over his helmet like that.

"Is it just me or does Nikki look like she's gotten bigger?"

The production details of these movies really highlight the joy and wonder of children's film making, don't they?

I'm going to keep my monocle tucked into my shirt pocket tonight, just to play it safe.

They're certainly not hip to the Streisand Effect.

And unlike Sonic, he doesn't chuckle.

"My ineptitude isn't a bug, it's a feature! Come share in the yuks!"

Nothing like letting the tail wag the dog to create that sweet, sweet media synergy. *Sigh.*

Who in the world is pushing so hard for Eva Marie? Is it a Total Divas thing?