Lord Gaga

Delevingne definitely has… something. But she desperately needs to work on her chops if she wants to be taken at all seriously as an actor. She's still very young and has fuck-you money already, so she could easily take a year or two off to actually try and learn how to act.

Weird; I just saw DOOM yesterday. He was doing 80 down the Van Wyck on horseback.

They promised us dog or higher!

I'm sure directing Helena isn't that hard. Just do what she says, or she'll stab you. Simple!

Cosima (and her fans) have earned a happy ending at this point. Or, at least, 'non-tragic' one.

I'm sure it's just a hallucination or something before she hacks up her bloody lungs, but Cosima looks adorable in her tuxedo.

An interracial relationship like that would only intensify the Oscar bait.

Wanna hear him drop some dope rhymes? See, he speaks jive!

I've become a big fan. She was terrific in 'Carol' and it made me go back to her earlier films I missed.

To paraphrase: a lot of slaves don't fantasize about freedom; they fantasize about holding the whip.

Batman just wants to talk about all of the amazing science he's doing. Cut him a break.

It takes some serious skill to make Anna Kendrick look bad, but that dress is really going for it.

And the imagined guy that's doing the cucking is invariably drawn as a burly black dude, or referred to as 'Tyrone' or some such. It's like a dog whistle, but it's shaped like a megaphone.

Let's hope not. That's my ATM password!

Where's justice, String?!?

Only at the specific place where the naked ladies dance. I can personally confirm this, as there was a hole in a wall from which I could see it all.

I've always wondered that myself. How do trolls operate? Do they have "beats" they work, like street cops? Or is there some sort of Troll HQ with a scouting network, and as soon as they find a discussion that isn't centered around one of the Internet's default arguments, they send some people in to scuttle it?

Reddit: The Network

You'd think that they could keep that design attitude for the RPG franchise, at least. I think there's a general consensus that if you buy an RPG, there's a good chance there's going to be some character work and storytelling inside. The Mario Universe has a lot of weird and wonderful depth to it that should really