Lord Gaga

It's the same booking that killed CM Punk. Give a guy a bunch of gold, but then have him be an inept coward that can't beat anyone and hope the title magically elevates him anyhow.

Right there with you. Got at least 20 games I haven't even booted yet on Steam, let alone played fully.

Not only does the time add up, but three minutes of shrill, peppy commercials can completely kill the mood and immersion of whatever you're watching. Or it forces the producers to shoehorn in arbitrary faux cliffhanger bits every 15 minutes to keep you from wandering. This was fine for silly sitcoms of the past, but

Maslany must be excited for a potential job where she only has to spend 12 hours on set a day. It will be like a min-vacation for her.

I remember commenting on how well St. Vincent's last record was arranged. It felt just right. It sounds like the kind of backhanded compliment that Liz Lemon would give Jenna ("the tracks were in JUST the right order!"), but I'm the kind of wonk that actually cares about that shit.


Vintage Flair promos are like wrestling on God mode. It's unreal.

I would even make the argument that wrestling is superior to MMA, at least as far as entertainment goes, precisely because it is scripted. I realize this is likely my own ignorance at play, but I've never gotten into UFC. To me, it just looks like two tattooed dudes who brawl for a bit, then lie on top of each other

Sometimes I wish comedy directors would just be content with letting their films be funny, rather than trying to shoehorn in some arbitrary plot points and an uplifting message.

I always appreciated CB4's willingness to tackle the largely unspoken issue of scrotal perspiration.

Um, sir,I hate to bother you, but is it true you've done more cocaine than I weigh?

I don't know anything about that movie, but I know that it's special.

In a related note, for me, it's Ludwig's absurd death at the end of The Naked Gun. The bus, the steam roller, the marching band playing 'Louie, Louie'… sublime.

This is rather odd. I would think that the people behind a Kevin Hart vehicle would have too much artistic integrity to just pump out a pointless sequel.

Sadly, this is the Sycophant's Cut, designed to employ Dre-friendly cast and crew who will carefully whitewash anything that might impact his career as a middle-aged executive. Ain't nothing more gangsta than brand management, BITCH.

The A.V. Club

Well, nobody's gonna give a shit about Gamergate or other topical tidbits in 20 years, so might as well do it now.

I bet it's a lot briefer than the oral history of Coolio over at PornHub.

"How many assholes we got on this site, anyhow?!?"