Lord Gaga

I love how absurd that game is. Shredder sends you back in time to dispose of you, but you just fight the Foot clan for the rest of the game anyhow, and warp back FORWARD in time in bits and pieces for no explained reason. By the time you're fighting a bipedal alligator on a train with trained throwing lobsters,


Younger people know best about everything? No; in fact, often the opposite. But in terms of social and cultural progression, I think it's best to lean young. It's not terribly often that cranky 61 year-old men have been on the right side of history, sensitivity-wise.

No, it's absolutely a fair point to make, agreement or no. I think that comedy should be a free-speech zone, so long as the performer is willing to live with the consequences. I just find it humorous that a comedian I grew up watching has now turned into an elderly man bitching about these kids today.

Hey, he can tell whatever jokes he likes, so long as he doesn't cry afterwards when they bomb and then act like it's the children who are out of touch.

What is the DEEEEEAL with punching down?!?

Hey! I love it when absurdly wealthy and powerful white men tell me what's funny and what isn't!

McIver is a lovely woman, but I actually think she's far more attractive as a zombie. Which is not a phrase I get to use very often.

"Owens and Seanoa will do battle within the squared circle, but until that time the will face lesser foes while perhaps speaking ill of one another to the press or perhaps even going so far as to interfere in one another's bouts in a most ungentlemanly fashion." Dear WWE, please listen to this well-dressed feline.

"This season gets less jolly every year."

I believe Donnie said "Helena, what did you do?" in the preview.

Next week, Helena wipes out the Portuguese mafia in a machete massacre.


According to Wikipedia, this show ended 4 years ago after 8(!) seasons. Who in the hell is still demanding more 'Entourage?' I realize its audience isn't terribly demanding, but were they really sending in letters and gifts to get closure?

But who can put a price on all of the terrible, terrible memories?

My question (as a wrestling casual) is why the fans tolerate things like the guys from Entourage being trotted out. I mean, no matter what goes down, it's product placement, and if I had paid for front-row seats and was essentially shown ads for what will likely be a terrible movie, I'd be pretty heated. Shouldn't

To each their own, but yeah, this was easily the best episode of the season. Combined some good thriller material with a lot of nice character beats; pretty much the blueprint for top-shelf OB. It had feels AND a buttered-up Ukrainian making a jail-break - who could ask for more?

The tone of the Alison scenes is so disparate from the rest of the show that it's hard to mix them together. They're kind of like the black comedy sorbet of Orphan Black.

I think Tatiana Maslany just agreed to do this show as a unique form of an endurance test, and it just turned out she was perfect for the role(s).

The episode titles for each season are all random phrases from the same work; in this case, they're from President Eisenhower's farewell speech. The work itself tends to be tied thematically to the season, but individual titles can be pretty Mad Lib-y.