Lord Gaga

They have no choice but to field strategic players, because people are obviously going to copy the techniques that make the most money. The players don't give a fuck how telegenic they are; this is their chance to make a big payday, and they'll pursue the optimal route to get there. I don't blame them for that one

Poker could have thrived for a long time with all of the big television money rolling in; money that has now evaporated because the colorful characters from the casino/home game days have been replaced by interchangeable 20-something automatons who hit it big playing on their computers using probability tables.

Kerry is great as far as I'm concerned. She just runs the categories in straight order, which makes the game much easier to play at home. It's so much fun when a player like her beats a Chu-Bot or Kaya-Bot and their spreadsheet approach to Jeopardy.



Yup. Death's transformation from passive smart-ass to the weird conscience of the Disc was when the series really took off.

This should be a big hit five years ago.


I can say personally that Steam has forever changed the way I buy games. Just wishlist the stuff I want, wait for a flash sale or GOTY edition, and go from there. I can't even fathom paying more than $15 for a game anymore. I can wait.

The WWE is notorious for this shit. Guys will get heat from their own independent efforts or flat-out dumb luck (Ryder, Axel, whoever) and because the WWE didn't come up with it, they just piss all over it. Jesus, people, if you get a free gift, take it and make what you can from it. Sell some shirts, have a little

Especially when AJ Lee is out there. We get it, guys, you know they're married in real life. It's not a big secret. Chant 'AJ Lee' instead and give her some props.

Susan B. Anthony? Our ugliest President?!?

Remember when Paige was the Anti-Diva, this fresh, ass-kicking new face that was going to completely revamp that terrible, sexist division for good?

Has anyone yet broached the idea that, perhaps, it was too hot in the hot tub, and viewers were self-conscious that it might make them sweat-ah?

"Mother Jones, which has a low circulation…"

Oh no, The Mentalist is ending? What the hell will my Dad watch now?

Never thought I'd say this, but Whitney Cummings deserves better. The wife of Jon Lovitz, a pudgy goon pushing 60? Yikes.

I'll take that bet!

I had the game on the 360, and I can't RTS with a controller, even if that portion was really great. (Which it might have been, for all I know.) They should have just scrapped the RTS entirely and rebuilt the game as a heavy metal themed action-adventure - which was an awesome idea - but I think Schafer was dead-set