Lord Gaga

Actually, it was meant to be an RTS, and then they added a bunch of single-player adventure stuff when Jack Black signed on and they needed to pad the content. Weird game from both ends.

The content would be fine, but unless your kids are already working for NASA, they may struggle with some of the puzzles. Of course, there's always Google…

I shall always adore this series for helping my wife fall in love with portable gaming, and allowing me to buy all kinds of absurd crap for my 3DS.

This is like nuclear levels of unwatchable.

He'll always be a dancing gold tooth in my eyes, the big lovable bastard.

Speaking as her husband, I can say without reservation that my lady is easily in my Top 30 for pop stars.

Yup, this. Persona 3 is when the series really exploded state side. I shudder to think of how many folks plunked down $100+ on E-Bay for the older Persona games, only to find few of the elements they love, and an abusive difficulty curve to boot.

If you want to be weird on the Internet, you'll have to try a LOT harder than random infatuations.

The fact that his bits weren't in all capital letters was quite a disappointment.

Duffman is thrusting in the direction of this film!

Indeed. And as such, he can claim the powers of other actors by defeating them in battle after clearing their stages.

Interesting. Perhaps they might fete him with the coveted 'alpha' status and attempt to replicate his success. Or, alternatively, he might be deemed fey and 'beta,' or worse, 'omega,' the nuclear option of Greek alphabet designations.

[picture of single woman saying something inflammatory and wildly out of context which somehow serves as tacit proof of feminist cabal}

I dunno. MRA/Red Pill types speak almost entirely in memes and they're still ignorant sociopaths. Maybe we need that Cheezburger cat.


Neat! I have a racist Dad! It only comes out when he's pissed off, though, so my Mom thinks it's fine.

Indeed. I find myself strangely sympathizing with one VxCR1SISxV after spending four hours in the car with my Mother last weekend, who bristled at the idea of listening to anything other than 'classic' Boomer shit for the entire journey. Shit, Mom, the world has moved on. Climb out of the bubble.

Most of Eminem's fans grew up, but his music never really did. I remember hearing the single from his latest LP, and he's doing Kardashian jokes and the whole thing sounded like a redux of every other first single he's ever done.

Still no idea how that guy sleeps at night.

Hey, NealHanna, how about a cookie?