Lord Gaga

I was kind of shocked. I thought for sure he would champion the cause of free speech, regardless of your opinions on it, rather than throw a bucket of easy red meat to the knuckle-dragging cave-people in his fan base.

"It turns out someone else was doing 'Game Of Thrones,' so we got this one instead. We can't afford HBO." - NBC

But! But! He's a brilliant detective who is also hard to handle! It's such fresh, fertile ground for television!

The dialog is reportedly 'catchy but incoherent.'


Pardon me, sir, but your monocle seems to have fallen into your sherry, perhaps out of shock and disgust.

I love that almost 40,000 people retweeted him saying LOL.

The viewing public, proving that America is still charmingly puritan when it comes to sex. Doubly odd when you consider that the audience for Girls would theoretically be jaded and hip enough to view analingus as just one of the many meats in our cultural stew.

When you care about it as much as I do, the heart and taint are essentially one. A 'haint,' if you will.

It's a subject very close to my heart, and I'm glad it translated.

Allison Williams' character was rimmed, and a bunch of people (although not many here, natch) acted like it was totally gross and stuff, but come on, you people ain't fooling anybody, you'd all totally rim Allison Williams, 'cause look at her, and you ain't made of stone, and life is short and we just need to go for

I wonder if Hart even notices that he keeps making the same movie (white guy hires him for homophobic shenanigans), or if he's too busy pushing his precious brand for such petty concerns.

Of course, you would also think that the most advanced species on Earth could do a lot better than to both create and view movies like this one, yet here we are.

Luckily, there's 90 minutes of Kevin Hart's relentless mugging and overacting to compensate for Gad's shortcomings.

No dice.

Tom Lennon killed it on the No Holds Barred episode. One of my favorites.


Turing had 99 problems, but Keira Knightley was not chief among them.

There are also plenty of educated people working there because most superior opportunities were eradicated by our plutocratic overseers.

Even by those modest standards, though, this movie is pretty vile. The nerds (ostensibly the heroes) get their revenge on the evil jocks by… video-taping their girlfriends without consent, and then flat-out raping them. But it's okay, I guess, because the girl enjoys it.