Lord Gaga

This… this fucking account. I… I just love it so much. God bless your good works, sir or madam.

To be fair, few companies know more about the plight of minorities than Wal-Mart.

TNA Impact was such a missed opportunity. The pieces were there for a competitive wrestling product - maybe never WWE big, but big enough - and then they inexplicably decided to make the exact same choices WCW made during its tailspin. Did TNA not have Wikipedia, or Google? Did they not know what caused WCW to

I'll wait for them to recreate the entire show, cast and all, with American accents, like a good patriot. MURICAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Nice, insights on being a mother. I wonder if becoming a mother completely changed her life; I need more celebrity insight on the matter.

You're fired.

NJPW is way more in the A.V. Club's wheelhouse than RAW, really. RAW is just three hours of commercials, plugs, replays, and hard selling for the next PPV. It's the Two And A Half Men of wrasslin'. NJPW is some pure, uncut wrestling cocaine.

Kind of weird that we got a Ron Jeremy documentary before we got an MLK biopic.

Well, 'twas the eighties, when the line between 'shit white people did' and 'shit black people did' was much wider. Hip-hop ain't just for negros and wiggers anymore; it's pop music. It's ubiquitous. Had Azalea been born at the same time as all of the hand-wringing middle-aged white people on here, she might feel

The funny part is that most of Azalea's fan base is women and gay men, two demographics that most hip-hop ignores (at best) or debases, loathes, and treats with utter contempt (at worst). She hasn't taken a single nickel from Nas or King Los; she's simply found an untapped audience and worked the shit out of them.

I get where you're coming from, but black people have WAY bigger problems than Australian wannabes, as the news has made painfully clear these last few months.

"I did the Iggy!" - guy in the sex tape.

Wait, a goofy young pop star is ignorant? Well blow me down.

I dunno. She strikes me as a dumb kid who is simply aping the music she enjoys. What is she, 22 or something? Forgive her for not spending her time at the library studying up on historical context because she'd rather be partying and singing stuffy old songs about the buttocks.

I'm about 50+ hours into Bravely Default and I'm just exhausted with it. It's a good game with a lot going for it, but I don't know how much more I can take.

It doesn't even come off as a major movie release; I would have sworn it was an afternoon flick on the History Channel until someone told me otherwise.

Before I put down hard-earned money on a film, I ask myself: will this help one of the performers build their brand and establish bankable appeal across several demographics? If not, I just keep on driving.

My family has watched this special every year since it aired. This song is especially great when you view the whole show through it, and you can gaze in awe at how stoned John Legend and Feist are throughout their performances.

No offense, but that gag was a little cornea.

My issues with Tony were almost entirely meta. The show only has ten episodes a year and about 22 episodes worth of plot to squeeze in them. That's fine - it's how Orphan Black rolls, love it or leave it - but to essentially waste an entire episode meeting a new character who offers nothing of value and then