Lord Gaga

Indeed. Well, they haven't confirmed any love friction, but I doubt they'd go through the trouble of casting Solo just to have her hang out for a few episodes. And Delphine has been banished to the hinterlands (or Germany, at least), so hey. Cosima and Solo are in some particularly incriminating pose, Delphine

Agreed. Maslany has come out ahead in all of this. Any nomination would just be a pat on the head anyhow.


The show can be uneven, but I actually find that kind of charming here. It's just one big, batshit rocket-ride, and I very much appreciate it. Without Maslany, it would probably self-implode, but she's the big beating heart that makes it run. It's a fascinating and entertaining program.

There's three things we all remember: our first love, the first death of someone close, and the first time we heard 'Turn Down For What.'

I will say this, though: The Goonies was adorably scruffy, and despite its success, they let it rest with the one flick. I feel a bit bad for kids that most of their offerings are cynical, board-approved brand extensions. I don't even like children, and I at least think they deserve entertainment that remotely gives

I believe it was in the 700's in my cable package. Maybe I'm just old, but I cannot possibly remember that many channels, and I'm never bored enough to flip through the guide past, I dunno, 60 or so.

Tears streaming down their face…

I like to think that in some ways, we are all Error.

This is basically a one-joke movie, yet I can't help but love it. And seeing Goldberg and Greer as the leads in ANYTHING warms my heart.

I don't even get the point of Kids Week. Do the little ones get excited to watch Jeopardy! with their folks? If they do, strike this comment, but it seems a little far-fetched. All it means to the show's core audience is five days of questions that are either too easy or based on arcane knowledge of One Direction's

"CHICOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *Head actually explodes.*

The A.V. Club

I gotta ask; why do people watch shows like this? Not signing shows, but programs which are clearly just wall-to-wall product placement, yet still run huge commercial breaks anyhow? Why do people put up with this crap?

"Fred Durst! He's one mean motherfucker!"

Jim Parsons AND Jay Leno? Sign me up!

Criminal Mings: the only thing these vase thieves break are hearts!


*Drunken.* You are one fine looking woman, lady. If I wasn't married, I'd go out with you like that!" *Stamps bottle.* "I am so sorry. Whatever you do, don't tell Marge. God I love her! Hey, a penny!"