Lord Gaga

Um… maybe we could… get into… my Saturn… and go find out? Sorry; that's all I got.

"Kevin Hart responds to allegations of being a 'cash whore' with tweet that confirms he is, in fact, a cash whore."

His dissertation WAS really impressive, even though it was written for him by RBX and Jay-Z.

I have a weird affection for these movies, as pointless as they are. I like how Jovovich made a stab at being a 'real' actress, realized she didn't quite have the chops, and went on to be a unique action star instead. She basically has her own genre at this point, for better or worse. There are worse things in life

One of my favorite moments in the How Did This Get Made? podcast is when one of the hosts relates a story from a stunt coordinator about how Seagal wanted an entire fight scene rewritten so he could perform it from the comfort of his chair. I guess the guys would rush the chair and Seagal would casually defeat them

This is why Annie Clark dyed her hair grey, so she would get support from Rolling Stone.

"Synonym's just another word, for the word you wanna use!"

I will miss…. Aggie? And her way of answering… questions? Like… this?!?

LittleBigPlanet is the first game that comes to mind when I hear the phrase "games I SHOULD enjoy, but don't." I'd trade away every single customization feature in the franchise if it meant getting a simple, tight platformer set in that universe.

I believe her Japanese voice actress made a much larger effort to deepen Naoto's voice and maintain the charade. Of course, any gender bending in fiction seems to require a lot of suspension of disbelief, particularly when Naoto apparently has a considerable rack that she keeps hidden with, I dunno, tape or something.

My only beef with the Etrian series is the generic characters. Replacing them with my beloved Persona crews is pretty much the perfect tonic.

You only need four people at most, to spin the ladder around.

"You have selected… Patient Zero?!?"

Oh, there is plenty of rap music full of wit and/or insight, although like most genres of music, anything of substance is unlikely to find its way onto commercially-owned airwaves.

I just watched the video. Can someone also apologize for the fact that the song consists of Minaj talking about how great she is, followed by three morons stating the same thing? All of them using dialog reminiscent of me having cybersex when I was 16?

Good idea; Firefly was a ratings juggernaut.

Although he DID once snort a piece of the Berlin Wall.

*Sighs; posts with weary resignation.*

I'll miss Terri if only because I like a good villainous champion now and then. Not that she was evil or anything, but there's just something wonderfully boo-able about a good-looking girl from NYC with a job in the dreaded 'social media.' It's like she as designed for my parents to inherently dislike her.

Odenkirk attempting to two-step and then going in for a second wink is one of my most treasured T.V. memories.