Lord Gaga

My heart is leaning heavily towards "ill."

Those commercials really bury the lede. Who gives a shit about a cable package when we have humans entering monogamous relationships with marionettes and producing half-puppet demon spawn?

This could have a pretty dark ending, seeing as how Cena never does the job.

You could make a game out of it! You can see how many times it sort of bounces in an hour, and then try to break that record.

Even the legal forms had her name on them.

A name like Summer Phoenix suggests a woman doing a complex and satirical performance art piece about acting, which sounds good to me.

Clarke would be an amazing Terminator, really. Any role that requires her to be gorgeous and stoic with no dialogue would be right in the ol' wheelhouse.

On the plus side, the ability to enter virtual reality might be the only possible motivation for those cats to lose weight, so kudos, Omni!

But Alison's has been toned from all of those hours of Hip Hop Abs!

I know this would never happen - OB's not that show, for better or worse - but I would have loved it if 2.8 had been mostly a bottle episode where Donnie and Alison bonded over their mutual homicides. Their scenes felt a bit rushed while so much was wasted on a dumb Clone Of The Week PSA. I know they didn't want to

"Shouldn't we have masks on?"
"We would, but Evelyne Brochu is extremely attractive."
"Ah, right. Carry on."

I think the bloat would be okay if the clones were more entwined, but with them all having largely separate stories, it can feel like four shows in one, crammed into a scant ten episodes. That was my real beef with Tony; forget the mullet, there's just no SPACE.

I'm so glad she laughed at his suffering and misfortune, rather than doing the generic 'vengeance grimace face.' Not just for my own satisfaction, but to remind us that our beloved Angry Angel is still a very unhinged woman who thinks that sort of thing is hilarious.

I almost died from that line. Not just from the delivery, but the implication that Alison considers doggystyle sex to be the height of perversion.

It's hard to believe that the sort of art-oriented film gurus behind a Terminator reboot would select an actress based on brand value rather than her performance merits.

It's not Canada; it's 'Generic Major City We Never Mention By Name That Has Canadian Landmarks, License Plates, And Currency.'

I'm hoping that it's Helena-as-Sarah that surrenders to Dyad in 2.10, and she runs loose in the place and collects eyeballs aplenty.

I don't even recall the source, to be honest. Passed through the fandom pipeline from one of those writer's room thingies.

The fan base had already correctly diagnosed the clone disease eons ago; I had to tip my hat when they made it official in this episode. They (well, we, really) can do some pretty clever shit when they're not making clonecest memes on Tumblr.

The kids escaped, but the scene was cut, I believe. Which is sort of an odd choice when you're trying to get Helena over as an anti-villain (or even hard anti-hero), but there it is.