Lord Gaga

I thought she was a little flat, but maybe that's the Stepford thing that had working there. I fanboyed all over when I saw her, though, which was likely the intended reaction, so hey!

Thanks. I like it better than my old theory, where I thought Kira flung her feces at people.

I found it okay as a sort of establishment of Cosima and Scott's new bros-for-life dynamic instead of the much sadder 'hot chick and sad nerd who does anything she says' relationship. But it should have been a much more clever line.

I wonder if it's the origin of her nickname.

And her doing a musical about the very subject. Theater - it CAN be practical!

I love how Rachel has some sort of weird panic room where she watches home movies and then cosplays as Sarah.

Nice to see 50 really step out of his comfort zone.

*Cosima replaces dreads with cornrows; protects her bitch Delphine from those pushy dykes down in Row D.*

Chasing Amy Poehler is no joke. She corners amazingly well and can really jet on open field.

"They were just so normal, even Michael Stipe!" is the icing on an awesome story cake.

I quoted Homer Simpson, natch:

The Camaro Crash Helmet!

I fast-forwarded to the end; it turns out the zebra did it.

Me too. I wanted to get my boys together and run train on her….

I believe Cosima is widely considered the 'hot' one, and Maslany even tackled the subject once. I go Cosima/Sarah/Alison/Rachel/Helena. Helena's more adorable than sexy, given her child-like nature. Which is weird to say about a serial killer, but here we are.

Bjork bailed them out.

There's no on-screen evidence that I can recall, but it's not a plot hole significant enough for me to worry about filling. "Kira met Auntie Cosima during an off-screen encounter!" is perfectly plausible. (Although she might wonder why Auntie Cos has a bigger rack and cooler hair.)

I'm not sure about Arthur/Helena. He'd keep asking her to wear a brunette wig and let him call her 'Beth.' Helena is no man's substitute!

Yeah, sorry. Don't worry; the show had turned to shit by then, so don't sweat it. Buffy ends at Season 5.