Lord Gaga

And I love how she works in Alison's 'crazy eyes' but isn't quite consistent about it.

I think they're hesitant to kill Cosima; at least at first. They're very familiar with the 'lesbian dies first' trope and cited the death of Tara on 'Buffy' (um, spoilers?) as something they want to avoid.

Helena's arguably the MVP this season; she's become the heart of the show in her demented way.

And it's fun to see people's tastes in which clone they find to be the sexiest and/or prettiest. A bit prurient, perhaps, but still fun!

Maslany said Cranston as Cosima's father is her dream casting, I believe. (Looks like he better hurry up, though.)

I can't imagine them killing Alison. She & Helena carry the show's important comedy load, and it's so nice to have a domestic character on a show where everyone's a science genius or ex-military.

Donnie must have hit a bump or something.

I was eagerly awaiting the farce episode this year - the one in the first season is a personal favorite - and it did not disappoint.

I just assume the two have met off-screen via Skype.

It's Johannsen, right? She IS married, after all.

Nice to see that Dinklage's celebrated work on this program has stopped people from referring to him dismissively by his height and body type.

Poor Sloane; banished to covering the Lifetime trash T.V. circuit.


Maybe I'm cruel, but I don't get this Lohan fixation at all. I guess she has her demons, but so do a lot of people, and they don't have million-dollar budgets to fight them with, or moguls like Oprah Winfrey serving as their life coach. She had the world by the throat, blew it, and then blew half a dozen chances to

I've used the brand 'Sorny' exclusively since that scene. The monolithic company Sony no longer exists in my eyes.

That drove me nuts, too, but it makes me suspect that Donnie is being set up by Dyad as a false flag monitor so that Alison's real monitor (new Sarah, maybe) can fly under the radar.

Yeah, I did a double-take when I saw this on the main page. I was certain this show had ended years ago. I haven't heard anyone so much as mention it in at least five.

A lot of people blame the whole Vice thing, but I suspect it's just the show getting older, as even the great ones do. Outside of a few outliers (The Simpsons and its nearly decade-long triumph), you get 3-4 really strong years before those returns be diminishing. I like the fact that they tried to switch up the

This guy knows the score.

This is why I keep my monocle on a chain now, so it stops falling into my beverages upon my shock and/or outrage.