Lord Gaga

Well, the creators say they have a solid three-year plan, so we should be good for that long. After that, well… we shall see!

Maybe I'm paranoid, but did they focus on Felix specifically while talking about how the clones were monitored during the 'previously on…' segment? I know that the 'Felix is Sarah's monitor' idea is powerful in the fan base, so maybe they're just tweaking us.

Hard to imagine a more perfect season opener. It moved at light speed, set up a ton of strong story possibilities, and somehow managed to add in spectacular comedy via Alison's play and her rape whistle. Just sublime stuff. Add in the (inevitable, but still awesome) return of Helena, and wow.

She's a child.

He did that one for the money, and he does these to practice his craft.

Haunted House 2: Some Other Company Holds The 'Scary Movie' Brand

Wow, the first bad Wayans flick. It had to happen sooner or later.

I only mention the legal aspect to come to some sort of solid definition of 'murder.' Between her wiping the prints and the bizarre circumstances of the death, it would be hard to pin the crime on anyone. 'Scarf strangulation via kitchen appliance' would likely be a new category of homicide.

If I remember it right, she reaches for the off switch, but then relents. I thought it was going to turn into an interrogation scene, but she just leaves her to die.

The trickiest part might be holding on to Maslany that long. I don't know what her contract is like, but you have to figure she's becoming a pretty hot commodity.

The conspiracy stuff makes it a brisk little thriller, but it's the more personal, day-to-day hijinx of the clones that makes the show special. Just knowing that Alison is doing musical theater shows the writers haven't lost that thread, and I couldn't be happier.

They can open for Brownstein's girlfriend, St. Vincent, and we can then make jokes about sleeping one's way to the middle.

Jamie Lannister?

Did you see Alison in Steel Magnolias? She killed!

Hodor with the Hodor.

Big fan of Angry Pirate Ken. Dude is going to be writing some dystopic sci-fi for a while.

Well, my world view just got blown to bits. I don't know what I believe in anymore.

If you're ever bored out of your skull, watch a Mario Kart 64 speed run on YouTube or Twitch or what have you. The experts can do terrible, terrible things to that game.

64 was broken to pieces, so it basically depends on how you feel about that fact. A bunch of tracks have unintended skips and shortcuts, the A.I. rubber bands like sociopaths, and the character balance is pretty poor.
