Lord Gaga

Don't be pedantic while I'm masturbating to Jennifer Lawrence. It's really distracting.

I think that is a very safe assumption. "Jennifer Lawrence in blue body paint!" will be an easy sell, me thinks.

I miss the old days, where people stopped getting television and film work once they stopped being famous. (Or were at least dumped onto second-tier game shows.) This whole secondary industry of quasi-celebrity is getting exhausting,

I have mixed feelings. I'd love to see Colbert's wry take on the horseshit medium of late night talk television, but I suspect that the real him is far too nice to be the kind of above-this-shit curmudgeon that Letterman was, so we'll get Colbert Lite instead.

I just ranted about that in another article. Kiddie table, indeed.

Is anyone else getting those stupid fucking 'You May Like…' click-bait links and photos above the comments section? Or has Chrome turned on me?

Boy, somebody's really 'Haagen Daaz' ice cream!

"And this is the president of marketing, Triple H."
"Um, hello…. Mr. H?"
"Please, Mr. H is my father!"

He was a homophobe and possibly a lunatic, but I still have fond memories of his incoherent antics from my youth. The WWE is such a boring slog today because they've stopped featuring wonderfully deranged characters like the Warrior.

Or, as this thread made me do, "laugh so much you accidentally thumb yourself."

"Oh, pish posh! The hundreds of people working on the show can just spin their tires in Croatia for three or four years as I wait for the muse to strike. HBO's not in this for ratings or money - they want to tell the REAL story, I'm certain!"

The wife and I like to call that 'waking the dragon.'

It will be interesting to see what the writers do if (and likely when) it's up to them to create new material for the last season or two. Maybe they'll go really upbeat and say all the shit at Winterfell was just a weird dream Brandon had. Or at least help Jorah clear out those Danaerys blue balls or something.

I wonder if they'd ever even try this bit with someone like Emilia Clarke, as we menfolk can be a bit, um, unsavory in these matters.

The Mother Of Dragons wouldn't even sell herself for a high-end ship; good luck skating on just a dollar.

Is this the guy that's also always yelling on 'Parks And Recreation?' I wish he would stop yelling.

Barring a miracle, this season will land as the worst so far. (I usually give first seasons a pass for growing pains.) It's hard to know how much the early departure of Baptiste hurt the season, but even apart from that, you have the God-awful, endless Ava-in-prison arc. And whoever decided to cast Michael Rapaport

Yeah, Amy was awesome. Having her get replaced by some slob in a mullet is no way to go. I guess the lesson is clear: study your condiments!

He's working the 'bad boy' thing to killer effect.

"I'm not crying, I'm allergic to jerks!"