Lord Gaga

I'm incapable of watching and/or playing golf without using her voice to do Bobby's "he was under more balls than a midget hooker!" joke.

Indeed, mostly because it contains a certain warmth. We all (or most of us) love our fathers, so it's not a total burn. It's the short way of saying "my Dad worked his ass off for 40+ years and doesn't have time to decipher symbolism or learn a bunch of character names anymore."

It's perfectly okay 'Dad T.V.' If you want any complexity or deviation from formula, though, you just keep on driving.

God I hate Castle. "Yes, Dad, Beckett is hot. Gee, I wonder if they're going to catch the guy AGAIN this week, with their out-of-the-box thinking. Oh good, they did, and the killer confessed, too, so it was all neat and tidy."

It's okay; the guys on Reddit say their racism is ironic in a super-subtle way we average people can't detect.

"Where's Quvenzhané Wallis, String?!?"

Now where am I going to go to get my predictable jokes about casual alcoholism?

Her reading of "okie dokie" is one of my favorite things ever.

Ah yes. Path to hell and all of that. Fair enough.

Wait, are you suggesting that this 'outrage' is merely cynical opportunism? A shameless attempt by the very people Colbert satirizes to discredit his good name and thus provide themselves some protection?

I also loved the rowdy opening to 'Jack Of All Trades.' T.V. shows need more bar-room sing-a-longs.

I hate to be 'that guy,' but one of Jeopardy's great little pleasures is when a fairly wonky sports category comes up, and the players are all women or gay. You can feel the ' we don't give a shit' meter really pinging through the roof.

I believe - albeit with no research - that Felix and Colin have chatted before about something besides Beth's corpse. (Specifically, the boning of each other.) Otherwise, I honestly can't think of anything.

I actually think Rajskub is rather attractive, despite the many jokes at her expense from the always-sensitive fan community. I just wish Hollywood didn't buy all of their hacker tropes at the same store.

Nice to see Chloe has been keeping busy by cosplaying as Lisbeth Salander.

No surprise to hear this kind of behavior from someone from Shelbyville. Cousin-dating trolls, they are.

The Keno brothers came to the offices at work about a year ago to appraise all of the antique furniture and fancy artwork on the executive floor. I always thought their peppy enthusiasm for old chairs was an act for television, but let me tell you, those guys REALLY enjoy looking at antique desks. I have a soft spot

A fair point, but even with my gripes here, I have a soft spot for the inspired pairing of Rachel Maddow and her wacky conservative uncle Pat Buchanan.

"Here, we have Dr. Expert, whose views are backed by peer-reviewed research at several outstanding universities. To debate her is a very pleasant lady in a nice dress from some place with a puffed up name like The Family Love Institute. She speaks very clearly in a slow and assuring manner, so this one is too close

This is the biggest problem created by our polarized media: the absurd notion that any two competing ideas are always of equal merit, and both deserve equal respect.