Lord Gaga

Cool your jets, guys, this was a national tragedy.

You're missing the big picture here: the true love found between a broadcasting corporation and cheap, brain-dead programming that can be explained in a single commercial segment.

I love the voice-acting here, and that disappointed look on Abe's face. Just sublime.

We call it the 'Gillian Anderson Equation.'

I'm not sure everyone at this site truly appreciates the high quality of discourse that goes on here. You kind of take it for granted after a while. Then you step out of the bubble and into the rest of the Web, and… the horror… the horror…

I almost never say "this sitcom should have been longer!", but this episode really need the full 44. It left too much on the table in terms of both the game and the character beats.

Dungeons & Dragons is an odd beast. At its heart, its a communal bit of fun for fantasy geeks. And yet it requires constant fear of death and maiming to maintain the level of tension required to keep the players interested.

To be fair, it's nigh impossible to condense a zillion-hour game experience into 30-second chunks on a sitcom.

"I attack them using my… Additional Notes."

I'm torn on the issue. Part of me loves a good, hard-ass DM that runs a tight ship and prevents everyone wasting three hours fucking around quoting television shows and asking stupid questions. But yeah, with new players like these, you need to go easy. And you have to let players roll their own dice for their

The Buffy one is really strange. I guess the pickier fans dropped out towards the end, because I expected a pretty significant drop.

Exactly. I could see people seeing a Madonna tour on a nostalgia thing, but I had no idea she had so many profitable brands out there.

I know this is fish in a barrel and what not, but who the hell is buying Madonna clothing and perfume? It's just weird that Madonna made more than Beyonce that year. She must be one cagey gal, I'll give her that.

Well, if the Internet is for nothing else, it's for endless cult fandom wankery.

Yeah, I've always hated these puzzles, where you have to pick one or two obscure consonants to have any realistic chance of solving. Granted, they're 700 years deep in episodes and must have used every phrase under the sun, but come on. 'New Baby Buggys' isn't even common terminology. When I think 'baby buggy,' my

What's up there, Rubberneck? How do you say?

Sure, but until there's an SEC for Kickstarter, it would be a complete fiasco. Although it would likely be quite entertaining - and a feast for enterprising class-action lawyers.

*Drapes cape on Core Concept to help revive him.*

Yeah, I've always hated the 'creators get all the revenue' arguments against Kickstarter. Can you imagine the logistics of a project where the money has to be divvied up amongst 13,000 random people from the Internet? Just determining exactly what counted as 'profit' would be a small nightmare. If folks think
