Lord Gaga

Portman's 'performance' in those films was astonishing. I've never seen an actor shut down mid-production like that and just phone the rest of their lines in, while you could practically see her soul leaving her body.

"Now Halle, you should know that Storm has one of the most impressive suites of super-powers in the world. You will use them to stand quietly in the background while Guy With Claws does his thing."

Well, she had a good run.

I know a lot of folks like to blame his mental illness on the decline of his work (and that may well be true; who knows?), but the dude has written a trillion of these things. He was consistently good-to-great for so long that I think people forgot how absurdly unlikely it is for a person to have that kind of quality

It reminded me of one of my favorite Futurama lines:

For me, it's an age thing. Teenage me would have been waving my Gamer Score peen around like a golden trophy. Old, sad me is fully aware that none of my equally-aged friends give two shits.

I don't get it.


Hannibal Vs. Bob's Burgers… that's, um, an interesting pairing.

Don't be glib, A.V. Club. My uncle was killed by a talking heating vent in 'Nam.

Yeah, people bitch about Kickstarter - with some justification - but this is a pretty cool thing by any metric. Fans spoke with their hearts and wallets, and apparently the movie should deliver for most of them. That's pretty damn great.

It's the thing they wrap my crossword puzzle and grocery coupons in.

I love how the only way to make Garfield interesting is to basically strip away most of Davis' content. That's got to make him feel special.

Exactly. The woman must need some kind of flow chart to keep it all in line.

I've been binge re-watching the show in preparation for the next season, and I've really come to admire how Maslany embodies each clone in her performance. They all dress differently for viewer convenience, but it isn't really necessary… even the little things like posture and such completely sell each character.

I like money too. We should hang out.

I've changed over time. My young self was absolutely a 100% completionist; current work-and-family me is just happy to beat the damn game so I don't end up with 30 half-completed titles on my shelf.

Both games are absolutely perfect action titles, where the plot is basically an in-joke the developers are sharing with you. I wouldn't change a thing about either.

There's no way in hell I'd play a Final Fantasy IV or VI nowadays, even as I fully admit to the beauty and skill of their design. I just can't commit 40-60 hours to a game at this point in my life on the risk that it might pay off. I've dumped that much into Isaac, of course, but I could do it in small chunks and

Nothing frustrates me more than when a game is panned for not being long enough, because games are apparently the equivalent of buying light bulbs in bulk, where it's all about getting mileage per dollar. Give me ten hours of genius over thirty hours of padding, grinding, and staring at dialog.