Lord Gaga

Sure you will, when Rebirth comes out. And you and I will end up playing for another 200 hours to unlock all the stuff we already struggled to get last time.

I love the social aspect of playing games, either as a player or spectator. Most of my gaming time is either on-line multi or sitting in a room with the guys, where the number of gamers is higher than the number of controllers. The helpful/snarky/funny/whatever comments from the peanut gallery are a big part of the…

My wife does the car-fucking; I post on the Internet. It's what keeps our household together.

J-Law would have kicked that evil slaver dude's ass and looked so dope doing it too. If she didn't fall over something first! #sickburn #Iknowmemesandshit

But Kat is barely a toddler in cocaine years.

"Ever since I was a kid in drama school, I've wanted to win the MTV Awards Hashtag WTF Moment…"

It's going to be hard to replace. I mean, you need, what, half-a-dozen semi-photogenic egotists who enjoy drinking and sex? Good luck with that.

I dunno; Hilary Swank got a whole Office episode about it.

Aw, c'mon. Everyone wants to watch Money. That's why they call it Money!

Hey! It's Enrico Palazzo!

I remember feeling exhausted just watching Roth mug his way through this awful film. It was like an actor's version of an endurance challenge.



Lord Gaga's free tip: go to a store with self check-out, price honeycrisps as McIntosh apples, and save!

Will there ever be an end to this shit? Or is this the future of the tee-vee? Low-cost, low-risk "reality" stuff for us to gawk at and Tweet at or whatever?

I wagered my daughter on Blanchett this year. Please keep this in mind when noting any mood changes after this weekend.

Yeah, what's with the random flame bait in an otherwise great article? Bad writer! BAD!

Agreed; you learn to appreciate the 'lesser' items that way and discover many of them aren't as bad as advertised.

I normally use Cain or Judas, but as soon as I have a run with bad item drops, I use D6 Isaac the next time without fail so it won't happen again.

It depends on my mood. With the D6, I always ended up using the same build with the same elite items, so I started doing runs where I can't use any of the infamous game-breakers - Mutant Spider, Polyphemus, or anything where you get Death Star tears.