Lord Gaga

I think it's the hunger factor. When an artist is still playing small clubs and gigs, they have that drive for bigger and better things. Once they get rich and have climbed every mountain, the fire usually goes out.

I'm going with STV, to go with the weird font on the cover. It'll be like the Zoso of art-rock.

I've essentially broken the stupid game - a run with Cain or D6 Isaac is almost always a big win - and I still love it. I can always move to Samson or Eve for a challenge, or make some arbitrary rules to play by.

What's up there, fruity-ass, how do you say?

Oh good, another 150 hours down the fucking toilet. DAMN YOU, MCMILLEN!

The head mobster was Alan Arkin. ALAN FUCKING ARKIN.

I hate to admit this in front of total strangers, but I used to love this crap in high school. My buddies and I would quote it constantly.

I still say Culdcept is one of the most underrated franchises out there, at least as far as the U.S. goes. God, those games are addictive.

Blizzard has always been about refining other people's ideas, so that has never bothered me. I'm glad somebody took the time to make good versions of EverQuest and the like.

I think it's official: St. Vincent is my favorite working artist right now. She's already put together a pretty incredible discography, her live shows are amazing, and I get absurdly excited every time she's about to craft a new release. She's the whole package.

Jokes on him; those Goombas are begging for death.

Jesus, the guy was just turning his life around. That's awful.

And we're on the road to what appears to be the worst Wrestlemania of the modern era. Batista/Orton should be a tire fire of epic proportions, while the people's hero Daniel Bryan is likely to end up in a match with Triple H where he'll be booked as the underdog against a middle-aged executive.

She was commenting on the surprisingly dirty thoughts you had when Terry stepped out from behind the podium to reveal she was wearing a little plaid skirt.

Root Beer or go home.

They should do countries. I bet I know who would win Iceland!

I was rooting for Erika the whole time until she made that incredibly weak DD bet right before Final. I know wagering isn't the strong suit of the otherwise bright Jeopardy players, but holy crap. Kevin was killing it and there was no reason to think he'd miss Final, or even the last 2000 clue. She had to bet north

At the risk of breaking new and terrifying ground on the Internet, I am of the opinion that Karen Gillian is really rather attractive.

I'm just glad that smiling little turd lost. Dude was freaking me out.

This is the movie that they ruined Wrestlemania for? Damn you, Marvel! DAMN YOU!!!