Lord Gaga

Well, looks like it's suicide again for me!

I don't want to live in a world where absurdly beautiful people have to answer for their misdoings.

Now we can finally discover if Jordan has the chops to hang with thespians like Jessica Alba.

Even my Dad is sick of this show, and he watches Castle for shit's sake.

*Dangles bag of Cool Ranch at the end of a fishing pole; bides his time.*

"Where are the better roles for talented black actors, String!?!"

Great; now how am I going to refuse to watch this?

I… believe you have my musket…

Hey look! It's Enrico Pizzolatto!

"Damn it, Lemon, that's your worst quadrant!"

Finally, we can glean this valuable information from America's most easily-amused citizens. It's a great follow-up to Operation Minesweeper.

You know what the problem is with the English? They don't like winners.

Exactly. Why is Batista around, period? He wasn't a big draw in his heyday, and he's 45 now and slathered in ring rust. I guess him getting to win everything was one of the conditions of his contract; nice work if someone is dumb enough to give it to you, I guess.

Well, now I know why she never answers any of my creepy, overly-specific love letters. For a second there, I thought it was something on my end.

Yeah, once you hear about My Little Pony porn, foot fetishes become sweet and wholesome. It's a human body part, which is positively vanilla these days.

Tarantino don't mind SUCKING ON TOES!

I haven't watched the WWE in a while, so I read the Royal Rumble results last night.

Help! Save me from the wee turtle!

Good points, all. Thanks for the discussion; always nice to have one on the Internet where nobody calls the other a homo.

You make a fair point I can't really argue against. I suppose my only counter is that the exposure is often the only real deterrent, as the legal penalties for these sorts of crimes are negligible. Note the number of repeat offenders or registered sex offenders who appeared on the show, with nothing apparently