Lord Gaga

I'm not denying that the show is crude and salacious; nobody could. My argument is with the show being blamed for 'entrapment' or a man's death. Everyone involved could (and should) have stopped their immoral and illegal behavior long before they were busted by Dateline's gotcha journalism. It's absolutely a shame

I don't know; I never really bought the idea that Dateline 'drove' that man to commit suicide. It was a sleazy program, no two ways about it, but nobody made those guys come to the house with a sack of condoms, or take their own lives. Folks have to own up to their own issues.

Clerks 37: In A Row?!?

I just stopped buying everything that looked good, which solved most of my problems. (I still have about ten games on Steam I haven't fired up yet, but I got them for maybe twenty bucks total during holiday sales.) I wait for big price drops before picking up anything now. If I still remember/want a game after that

Bring back the kiddie fiddlers! Those predator shows were comedy gold and the perfect content for the YouTube age. (Although I suppose chat rooms are deader than disco nowadays.)

Honestly, can the small screen be asked to contain this man's electric charisma?

Me personally? I thought it was shrill, pointless lifestyle porn. Other answers may vary.

The wife never had an inkling to watch this one, although she does demand her Downton. All told, I call it a net positive. I think some of my buddies still have PTSD from the ten years or whatever this was on the air.

Let's leave this shit at YouTube, please.

Man, that is some good, uncut Colombian narcissism right there.

In the AV Club's defense, Friedberger is, at best, a B cup.

Words can hurt, you know.

It's a topsy-turvy world, and maybe the problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans. But this is our hill. And these are our beans!

"Still! I like to go in fresh!"

"Gay murderer says what?"

I eagerly await a future where Kevin Hart is no longer in every movie, show, and commercial on the air.

The way Brock murmurs 'shaa-aaaved' is one of my favorite things ever.

"C'mon! I want to be Milli dis week!"

I think 50% of my Arkham runs have been solo. Not because I prefer it, but because the game is so cumbersome that it's almost impossible to run it with a group. You need a whole afternoon free, a shit-ton of space, and God help you if you have to explain the rules to a new player.

That is pretty wonderful; thanks for linking it. The girl is such a good sport.