Lord Gaga

It's also awesome to see Elisabeth Moss get some love for her amazing work in recent years. Although if she and Poehler won, this means Jon Hamm is left alone for the annual Loser's Party. Now all he has is talent, fame, wealth, good looks, and a loving family.

I'm not going to sit here and watch my wife be brow-beaten by a giant yellow dong creature. I'll just watch the tape of it we have at home, thank you very much.

People turned their noses up once they realized it wasn't the long-awaited Mae Whitman biopic.

My wife noted that she wished she could be an Emma Thompson or Cate Blanchett drunk, where you're somehow even more witty and charming.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? Oh sure, maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with the seat missing, but it hurts!

Well, great. Now what the hell are they going to name the Scott Steiner musical?

I'm surprised this is getting such positive reviews; the commercials made it look like the seventh circle of sitcom hell.

Yup, she sure did. Seeing her as a Gothic Mary Poppins is a treat in of itself, but Hogfather is a great little adaptation all-around.

She'll always be Susan Sto Helit to me.

Person Of Interest, that's the ticket. Yeah, it's not too bad, although I haven't seen enough of it to appreciate it, I suppose. Always nice to see Amy Acker on the T.V., although I guess she's not a regular.

My Dad's Television Top 5

America: where everything dire and terrible about our culture now has a camera following it around, so we can ALL enjoy it!

The scale is just drastically different here. When I see A&E while menu surfing, this is the ONLY show they seem to air. They have merchandise stands in my supermarket, and presumably everywhere else that will have one. It's a phenomenon. Toss in the media pressure from the endless noise factory on the right, and

Jokes on you, A&E. You just lost a viewer in me, who once watched you back in 1998 when you aired non-mongoloid programming.

I've been stuck on "where have I seen that girl before?" for the last five minutes, because this is my life. Is the one in the middle the young girl Don Draper was dating after he divorced Betty? (Uh, spoilers, I guess? Sorry.)

I believe Parks and Recreation is still on Thursdays. It's still very enjoyable despite its advanced age.

Al Goldstein, Smut Peddler for life!

These guys don't need free advertising; they are utterly ubiquitous. They have clothing on sale at my supermarket. Their show runs in an eternal loop on cable. The only direction they can go at this point is down.

I loved that shit, frankly. The fact that some guy's self-serving fan fiction became a massive hit is such a perfect symbol for the age we live in. See also 'Twilight porn.'

What idiot allowed these people to leave their controlled bubble to voice political and religious opinions? Some handlers are gettin' fired. Even a small percentage of their inexplicable cash cow is a mountain of money.