Lord Gaga

"I always liked that street best. The previous street was just pop garbage that only my friends were into."

I haven't watched much of this show (I enjoy the Bryan and Vinny recaps, though), but the Cena/Bella relationship is the most ridiculous thing on Earth. Cena is a cipher, but he's clearly smart enough to know that his girlfriend is a gold-digging bimbo with maybe three brain cells to rub together. I know that sounds

Poor woman. Now she has nothing.

It was hard to keep booing Evangeline Lilly and her "you-go-girl!" demographic-pleasing elf after that goofy interview on The Daily Show. She seems neat. And she has a crush on Cate Blanchett, like any normal person.

All I want is for them to cut back on the CGI video game bullshit. That scene of them running through the mines and just swatting bad guys away as they ran all over the place was insufferable. Stretching this out to three films should make it the ultimate hang-out fantasy trilogy; instead, we got scenes that

I have to agree. I enjoyed the creepy undertones of the relationship, but I can't say there was any real sparks. And Cardellini seemed to be made as unflattering as possible from every angle; no mean feat, given how charming and attractive she is in other roles. She managed to make moments of that Scooby Doo movie

This was one of my favorite movies growing up, but man, that rape scene completely ruins it for me now. Genuinely hilarious film in places, but holy shit.

This show appears to be in permanent rotation on whatever channel it's on. This and Castle. It's like my Dad is running a cable network.

But you have so much to live for! Hopefully!


Perhaps they will finally get to the bottom of what, exactly, is a street fighter.

This is the first generation where I'll be avoiding the new machines for a few years. I got burned pretty badly last time with shoddy early models, red/yellow lights of doom, and shitty hard drives. I'll wait for the price-dropped remodels that will actually have games available.

*Celllllll-ebrate good times, come on!*

Does it include the part where I puke a little every time that stupid PlayStation 4 commercial comes on?

I've always loved this show's quiet subversion. Let's face it, America IS Pawnee, and we're just a bunch of dumb, fat reactionary fuckheads.

I felt a bit ashamed afterwards, but when Maslany (forgot her name) went to bear-hug Ann, I thought (hoped?) there would be a moment of… um, you know, never mind. Ann is pregnant and in love. Forget it.

Dredd 2: Attack Of The Spaghetti Robots

My preferred term is 'avoision.'

Still kind of weirds me out that a bunch of near-to-middle-age men had a meeting and came out with Miley Cyrus as the epitome of 'hot' or 'sexy' or whatever.

"Sinbad O'Connor, your thoughts!"