Lord Gaga

Finally, the Val Venis documentary the world has been demanding.

I'm guessing that most JGL lady-crushes are rooted more in "handsome, sophisticated artist" and less in "dimwitted sack of meat from the Jersey Shore."

I ONLY came here to verify that this would be the topic of the top-rated comment.  And you guys didn't disappoint.  *Sniff.*  God, I love you guys…

The writer probably used Ron because it was a lot easier than using Ben; you know, the 'nerd' character on Parks and Recreation who actually behaves like geeks do in real life.  Instead of a bunch of lazy Star Trek jokes, Ben enjoys Settlers of Catan, Game of Thrones, and is fully self-aware of how his geek tendencies

"Well, the Insane Clown Posse owed us money."
"And you didn't realize they wouldn't pay?""Your mother had a good feeling about them."

This made the rounds of my Facebook circle for like a month.  Such a gorgeous performance.

'Blood Sugar Sex Magik' by the Chili Peppers.  Sadly, I didn't last long enough to be having sex during 'Sir Psycho Sexy,' which would have put this into CSB territory.

I figured Metal Wolf Chaos was too obscure to make the list, but still, the absence is felt.

'Don stays up all night/he falls asleep watching Dragnet.'

Sorry for the 'cool story, bro," but Jeanine and I have been friends for about 15 years now, and I still can't believe that she's an editor for Marvel.  I once held a seat for her at the first X-Men flick; now she helps determine their fate.  It's the equivalent of me becoming… um… something way more interesting than

The show did a great job of sending out just enough asshole customers (this episode being a prime example) to keep Basil vaguely sympathetic.  He was a pompous ass, but you get the general idea that if people just paid their bills and made reasonable requests, he'd be much less of a heel.

I thought you were a Zwan.

I remember really enjoying this record, even when 'Cannonball' became inescapable.  Such a fun, funky little album that hops all over the place.

I, for one, never want to mature past an appreciation for killer riffs and thinly-veiled lyrics about boning.

Marty Crandall?  Oh man, I've been calling him Marty Krabappel!

It's doubly strange for me because his artistic output is so negligible.  I can see people turning a blind eye to Lennon or James Brown, as their music is basically the soundtrack of modern culture.  It doesn't excuse their abhorrent behavior, of course, but I can see why people just sort of let it fly.  To paraphrase


Came for the Martin Prince quote, and left satisfied.  *Tips hat to Penguin and exits quietly.*

It takes a certain kind of courage to suggest that any procedural has a "distinct premise," even if said show were about transsexual gorillas solving murders in medieval Europe using a magic sock.

Actually, money is a very thorough colon cleanser.