Lord Gaga

Obscure?  I camped out for 72 hours for that Car 54 remake.

I eagerly await the near-silent episode featuring a wounded Johnny Tightlips.

You get your DAMN hands off her, FalseRumorsDotCom!

All in all, cult shows with critical appeal and a coveted demographic are a better investment than expensive crap like The Firm that NOBODY watches.  NBC obviously has to hunt for new shows, but not at the expense of the few things they air that people like.

Mmmm… that's good no-no juice…

I mean, I guess he's straight, but… it's just weird.

She was one of the phone operator girls, along with Kristen Schaal.  She made small appearances throughout Season 1 (and had a good laugh line in Nixon Vs. Kennedy) before disappearing into the ether.

She was stoic and deadpan on Mad Men, so we can blame Progressive for that.  I'd vote that we switch to an insurance company without ubiquitous and grating commercials, but I don't know if one exists.

And she was on Mad Men.  That's quite a resume, for better or worse.

You know, if you pitched a movie to me where Christopher Lee and Ron Perlman are the villains, I'd be pretty intrigued.

She put the 'ILF' in MILF.  And at least it brought some credence as to how Keith Mars spawned a daughter that looked like Kristen Bell.

The idea of playing the material entirely straight would be amazing.  But I doubt they'll have the balls.

She rose my battleship!

And after all this time I spent hand-crafting her a Victorian-era clock with my own handmande brass springs!  *Throws it against the wall, sobbing.*

Considering this show's track record with racial humor, let's pray they don't add Black Boobs.

I will be unable to comment, as my head has been wedged into a horse's rectum.

Forgettaboutit!  She's a hoo-ah!

I'll bring the depressing Subway sandwiches.

Uh, the Coast Guard?

"What's to prove?  It's free labor."