Lord Gaga

It's weird, because I remember the Naked Gun 2 1/2 being relatively lefty, in a highly satirical manner.  It was pro-environment, for one… albeit in such a way that Drebin could "eat a sea otter without getting sick."

Watch out, Boreanaz.  They love you now, but one mistake and you'll get thrown out like a bag of old tangerines.

Does "work" mean "ass?"  Then I agree.

For starters, he was a mountain climber, AND he played an electric guitar.  The evidence is clear.

Yes, and they're called Dads and they deserve respect.  Unless they're, like, abusive dicks or something.

I think Munn is Asian or something.

My working days pre-O'Neal were dire indeed.

Ow!  My earballs!

I'm a Nielsen house, fall in that demographic, and watch Community without fail.  I even set it up for shows that I don't/didn't really watch (like Fringe and Dollhouse) just to throw in my tiny little vote.


The line between satire and legitimate crap has all but disappeared.  I can't even tell the difference anymore.

I like to think that he and Rabbert Klein found a nice ranch somewhere and are living off the fat of the land.

There's no way this episode could possibly live up to that screen capture.

The Decemberists are fun because they're "indie" but don't have a single ounce of ironic detachment.  In this day and age, I admire a band that does songs about Ye Olde Naval Battles and just fucking performs them without winking at you.  Meloy loves his dismemberment and drowning and big old-fashioned words, and you

Am I excited Bionic Barry is back?  Yes, Other Lord Gaga, I sure am.

Only one way to settle this.  *Pulls you into shower, undresses, lathers myself sensually with soap.*


Did they do Sex And Candy?  Which one is Candlebox again?

Not sure if a remake-of-dubious necessity featuring

Oh, no question.  I suspect there's a lot more to Murray's anti-GB3 stance than mere integrity.  Ghostbusters is one of his definitive roles, so it's a bit more sacred to him than a shitty adaptation of a shitty newspaper comic.