Lord Gaga

Although Garfield does suggest that Murray's integrity is flexible when it comes to highly-paid work that doesn't involve standing up, walking around, or trying.

Seriously, look at that screen capture.  That guy used to be 6'4", but relentless piracy has starved him to the point where he's drastically shrunk in size.

And yet it gets better ratings than anything I enjoy.

I'm guessing DMX shaves his head, so he's not part of the 'bald community,' per se.

Guys with shaved heads aren't allowed to shit on haircuts.  Totally unfair.  Their lack of hair makes return fire impossible.


Liberal pussies, with their clean, breathable air and survivable atmosphere.

She's a little too 'in-your-face' for my tastes.

Jon.  Hamm.  The X-Rated nigga!

Very progressive; using Rihanna as a percussive instrument.

"Memba when we used to see who could do this shit the longest?  AhaahhhhhhahhhhhAAAHHHHHAHHHHHHH!"

Me too, but I'd like to see the 'Nicolas Cage story photo' to be switched to a screencap of him punching that girl while wearing a bear costume in 'Wicker Man.'

Just the thought of hating homos has Card so excited!

All I know is that either Brittany or Santana (preferably Santana, who can sing) need to do St Vincent's 'Cheerleader.'

That's because Dawes has harnessed the power….

Yeah, not really feeling the outrage.  I've accepted the fact that I'm missing a lot of good television and simply enjoy the stuff I have time to watch.

I've got so many styles; forgive me!

Well, you DID get the coveted S tiles.  A few turns of stalling or tile exchanges and you'd be in business.

You are hereby banned from the Soul Train, for lack of the prerequisite soul.

I love the scene where Jordan is doing floorwork at, like, 2 in the morning in her pajamas.  Such a great little film.  I vaguely remember seeing this PBS documentary where Meyrink wound up as a devout instructor of Zen Buddhism.  Sounded about right.