Lord Gaga

The wife and I finished Season 2 of Veronica Mars.  Man, that show got ridiculous pretty fast.  I have a pretty wide net for what I'll accept from my teevee, but man alive.  It says a lot about the show's interpretation of police work and the legal system that an exploding plane was relatively modest in terms of WTF.

Yeah, the tits actually turned me off of the franchise, if you'll excuse the turn of phrase.  Soul Edge/Calibur were such pristine fighting games, and then the franchise devolved into Dead Or Alive with weapons.  You try to get into the combat and then Taki's giant funbags are slapping her in the face from inside her

You Britta'd your mug.  But take solace in the creation of oddly appropriate dark symbolism.

And, she's white!

I obtained all of my gun knowledge from Ice Cube's 'Predator' album.

If I get to be around that age and start suffering severe ailments, you can bet the ol' .44 is coming out.  No shame in it, Don - you had a great run.

PLEASE tell me that screen capture is the Glee cast doing the mariachi band sequence from 'The Naked Gun 2 1/2.'

Hey, if some moron is willing to pay the man to learn 20 lines while hanging out with 22 year-old aspiring actresses on the set of American Streudel, you GET THAT MONEY, son.

"Don't click Like.  Don't click Like."  *Clicks Like.*  Fuck.

We sit here and mock while he's fighting for the rights of every man.

You had to know reality television would eventually devolve into watching fat people take a shit, but it's still weird to see it happen before our eyes.

I, for one, am looking forward to not watching this.

I love how this huge thread spawned from a random drop from Reposted YouTube.

I feel bad that nobody is commenting, so here goes.

Apple was my first legitimate all-consuming celebrity crush.  I played Tidal so much that I can perform the record from memory, decades later.

I've seen her thrice (it's a word!) and she always kills.  And your summary is apt: a genuine talent who got her pop star paycheck and is now doing her own thing successfully.  May we all be so lucky.

I remember it having the first Cure song I ever really liked (to be fair, I was a clueless young suburban teenager), causing me to reexamine the band and enter my awkward kinda-Goth punk guy phase.  The Crow was my gateway drug to My Bloody Valentine.  Oh, how I did shoegaze.

More fish for Kunta.

Throwin' my chips in for Esai Morales, crossword stud.  R.I.P. Etta.

*Pulls pin from Cook voodoo doll, nods approvingly, and goes back to reading his Far Side Compendium.*