Lord Gaga

Eh, I dunno.  I'm not really into tall, gorgeous, intelligent women with shared interests and a great sense of humor.

Curse you, Neckbeard, you have foiled me again.  You are truly the Road Runner to my Wile E. Coyote.

Tough to go back to this after those two Blitz: The League games, featuring experimental steroids and close-ups of exploding knees and torn scrotums.

Since his daughter is black, shouldn't nigga be off the table, too?

I note that O'Neal wasn't on this beat, as his sexual chemistry with Clark is so intense that it rendered objective journalism impossible.

Nielsening is actually surprisingly difficult, at least in my shoes.  I have to remember to set everything up to give credit to all the good shows, even the ones I don't watch.

I actually am a Nielsen household, and I assure you, I do my best.  I am clearly outnumbered.

For me, the main problem with 'Once More' is that the show was already going off the rails when it aired.  A new fan wouldn't know that, of course, but they'd inevitably ask: "What fun!  What happens next?!?", and you'd have to tell them the show had already died and everything good about it was in the past.  Not

I Heart Tuckapenis?

The scene where Bob breaks down during the Recruiters sketch is one of my favorite things ever, where he's bawling about running away from Grandma's house and David is trying to give him crackers to cheer him up.  No idea how Cross kept from completely breaking up there.

And c'mon, she's hardly fat by American standards.  I take public transportation and half of those people would use her as a 17th food source.

Sorry.  I checked.  He has a pass.  Nothin' we can do.  Remember the Pre-Taped Call-In Show?

Yeah, people don't really get the 'lifetime pass' concept.  It's not just a major kudos you throw at someone who's done brilliant work; it's actually a 'pass' they have for a 'lifetime' where you ignore the dumb and/or greedy shit they do in their later years and just say "yeah, but s/he did Project X, so it's okay." 

Whatever.  Joe Pepitone or not, that's my plate.

Tali is awesome, but you have tp wrap her in a hermetic bubble before you have sex, and she'll still be laid out with phlegm for like a month.  And Asari sex is too sparkly.  Give me old-fashioned friction with an ambiguously ethnic bad-ass.  (Who, incidentally, serves as the Sally Kimball to my biotic Encyclopedia

Final Fantasy games are superb at what they do.  It's just that 'what they do' doesn't fall into Western tastes now that we actually have a mainstream RPG supply here, led by BioWare.  (They're wetter than they've ever been, and they're from CANADA!!)  It hasn't helped that Atlus has become the new JRPG darling of

ME3 is definitely the pack leader for 2012.  Doubly so after Dragon Age 2 ate a dick, so now the game has to bring closure to an epic trilogy AND cleanse the sins of its sister franchise.  BioWare fans are unpleasable and prickly during the best of times; now their entitled rage is at full steam.  Gonna be one hell of

Anyone know how his marriage to the streets is working out?  I worry about those two sometimes.

I bought 17 video games during the holiday season because of the incredible discounts.  Which sounds great, except: A) did I really need Pilotwings Resort, even at 5$? and B) when am I gonna play all this shit?  Fucking Amazon and BestBuy.com specials… they're like siren calls.