Lord Gaga

"If your approach is "YOU ARE STEALING AND IT IS WRONG AND YOU HAVE NO VALID REASON SO DON'T DO IT" then you deserve to have your shit torrented."

We in America would be happy just to have the one.

You have to love any site where the only possible source of flame bait is shitting on a T.V. show about a community college.

I'm not a huge fan, but it's funny, breezy, and heavily quotable.  Perfect 'lazy Sunday afternoon' flick.

It's strange - you'd think someone with a great racket like that would want to keep it on the down-low!

And future shitty rappers need future shitty Scarfaces to take shitty samples from to pad their shitty albums with.

I love Wind Waker, too.  I AM a boating junkie, so maybe it's just my niche.  That game just has endless charm and it looks so fucking good.

"I understand that it's good, but please, if it was that good it would have higher ratings."

Watch yourself, Slick.

Because Heller is just hankerin' to hear 'Wheel In The Sky' for the 14,713th time.

Todd's just severing the ties early to make it easier in the long run.  He may seem like an uncaring cyborg that filters television all day, but he has feelings, too.

That's the best bit: Wal-Mart's 'punishment' is giving out what are essentially coupons for people to shop at their stores.

I'm not what you would call a Katy Perry scholar, but isn't her version basically "kissing other girls is fun 'cause it's sexy for my very male boyfriend?"  Santana performing the song (unless there's some serious satirical context) seems not only ham-fisted but outright offensive to gay women.

I'd watch the shit out of that.  As opposed to the current Glee, which I watch in a sad haze of whiskey while my wife wallows in the camp and spends the hour Tweeting about how amazing and/or shitty the show is.  (I can never tell with fans of this show.  It seems like it requires irony supplements to enjoy.)

And the show has been on for like 7 or 8 years.  Returns gonna diminish.

It was a healthy three-way tie with Craig.  Schneider's legacy as a salad-tossing sycophant is truly cemented.

He has his tongue buried up Adam Sandler's ass, so he'll be forever employed.  See also: any of the other useless fucks that hang out with Sandler.

Naya Rivera is undeniably talented, attractive, and charismatic.  I hope she escapes that freak show and lands a larger role to meet her ability.  Or, you know, just ditch the 75% of the Glee cast serving as dead weight and go that route.

Kinda hoping for the picture of her in bed with that weird phallic turtle thing on her head.

Don't forget Big Bang Theory.  There will be blood!