Lord Gaga

Rabin's on the money; Penny Arcade is entirely up front with their relations to publishers and are always on the front end of calling out media hacks.  Unfortunately, since they're just two dudes making comic strips, they don't cover 90% of the games that come out, so you're stuck with the Four Point Scale of the

Let's measure his current level of insanity on the Batman scale.  Alfred is the sanest and Joker is the craziest.  I'll put him somewhere on the Zzasz plateau.

Well, ActiBlizzard's giant market share more or less guarantees them strong critical praise regardless of how redundant their product is.  I can't imagine anything more boring than annual installments of the slickly-produced adventures of Army Man, but the press has to suck that gilded dick or lose access.  Even

Nobody here is making fun of Andy Griffith.  I cannot stress that enough.


The official photo of the A.V. Club - now, the weekend can begin.

Agreed.  And recast Drake as Nathan Fillion, for shit's sake… the character is based on him.

Well, to be fair, the Uncharted series consists of 3 good-to-great games.  Murphy's resume, on the other hand, is probably copied verbatim by comedy writers when they need material to shit on overpaid movie stars.

I think he's fine as a sidekick now that he's getting older.  Constant drinking, sugar mamas, one-liners, occasional moments of bad-assery… fits him like a glove.

Tempting, but this will take time away from my burgeoning 'posting classified ads' business that paid for my house on the Riviera.

"Here's a question for you, gorgeous: how do you feel about drinking some Grey Goose over this here John Legend CD I found conveniently lying around?"

And now, Justin Bieber will tell you about his new suit: his PATERNITY SUIT!  Now let's bring in Sideshow Ms. No Means No.


*Half-heartedly kicks a grenade back at the fray while trudging towards the door.*

And if you could kill somebody on the way out, that would really help a lot!

I would be content with empty, mechanical sex.

Not when you play the song FORWARDS, no…

"There is currently a reward of 20,000 pesos (or $470) for information leading to an arrest."

'One' is just about the perfect song.  (Although I am biased, as this is one of the first CDs I ever bought with my own cash money.)  I don't dig up this entire album all that often, but that track inhabits many a playlist.

'One' is just about the perfect song.  (Although I am biased, as this is one of the first CDs I ever bought with my own cash money.)  I don't dig up this entire album all that often, but that track inhabits many a playlist.