Lord Gaga

Ah, good, it was just sexual tension.  I was getting a weird rape-y vibe from the picture up there.

Maybe this show will do the Rizzoli and Isles thing where it pastes paper-thin lesbian subtext onto a shopworn premise, and sends it out there as a bonding exercise for old people and their estranged gay daughters.

It means he gets results, you stupid chief!

Never mind the fact that said ads claim that the show is 'very funny' - let's see that stand up in court.

You know, he did all of his own stunts in that movie.

Definitely.  The movie is ostensibly a comedy (and is incredibly funny throughout) but that's the scene that everyone remembers, and it defines the film.  It became doubly poignant when I read about how much of Candy's real life came through in that moment, as he was apparently much more like Del than the big, jolly

Hermano is a traditional Spanish name.  I don't know the Spanish word for 'brother.'  Which is weird, as I studied it for years.

I prefer my rock stars to be sexually depraved cash-whores.

Seriously.  She passed up a fountain of easy money to focus on reality and her craft - can't help but respect that.

I thought the Onion article about a third Olsen sister was a joke.  How did they have an apparently-talented sibling that wasn't run through the tween-pandering money wringer already?

Is the fat one Booger from Revenge Of The Nerds? 

I think that's an unfair generalization.  DA1 wasn't turn-based either (although you could pause it) and people seemed pretty okay with it.  DA2 has guys materializing out of thin air - in a game where tanking and threat generation are major mechanics.  Having your party wiped because six guys teleported in next to

I totally agree - had they spent the same amount of time on the meat of the game as they did on the breezy, endless opening section, I suspect it would've been much stronger.  Without any proof, it seems that word came on high from E.A. about halfway through the game to hurry it the fuck up already, and thus, we got

The people have a right to know the truth.

I think 'goddess' might be overselling it, although I haven't been to some of the darker corners of the Internet.  Well, besides here.

Another year in development and Dragon Age 2 is probably a sleeper classic.  The combat would still be too Dynasty Warriors-ish, but the rest of the game would've made up for it.  The core idea of the final confrontation between mages and the Templars is gold, but the game takes way too long to build to it and then

Well, she's a fairly unique quantity - a rather attractive girl who genuinely speaks geek, and doesn't pander in the way that, say, Olivia Munn does.  Munn puts on the Leia slave bikini for a photo-op and then goes back to the normals; Day actually prances around the damn woods in elven cosplay and writes a show about

Only if it was Irish.

Show the lady some respect, ya bastards.  And let's be fair - this ruling didn't exactly destroy a work of Swiftian proportions.

I laughed about three or four times in one paragraph.  O'Neal is like the Tecmo Bo of snark right now.