Lord Gaga

I have to agree.  I still play Endtroducing now and then when I'm in Klonopin mode; I've never really gotten into anything made after that.

But who will pick up the slack and craft all of the lazy, unpleasant jokes about celebrities and terminal illnesses that the people crave?

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.  Which, incidentally, was also Shawn's name until he was forced to change it, to prevent random public shouting.

Is she still the top Weird Chick With A Piano?  Or did one of those young rascals like Fiona Apple or Nellie McKay inherit the torch?

One of the few perks of being old is not having to enjoy stupid shit like this.


I remember being stoned as hell and seeing him in some weird, quasi-noir flick with Fairuza Balk on cable.  Even in my altered state, I thought: "dude, you were Max Cherry.  This shit ain't right."

Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our

I love the career arc of Jovovich.  She did the 'hot naked chick' thing for a while, flirted with mainstream success with Fifth Element and Dazed and Confused, and then said "fuck it, I'm gonna pretend to be a ninja assassin girl in stylized action movies for the next 15 years.  Go find me some fucking zombies and a

I'll give Bjork the benefit of the doubt on the 'app' thing, as I'm willing to believe she honestly thinks it enhances the experience and isn't just doing it to ride Apple's jock.  We're talking about a gal with an all-vocalist album with deranged off-key throat singing - selling out doesn't seem to be in her blood.

You know, I actually kind of defended him on the whole thing, as he had seemingly made an analogy that was taken out of context.

I'm worried that I won't be able to enjoy it properly without all of the apps.  This shit was so much easier with Vespertine… I just had to press 'play' and all of the amazing just came out of the speakers.

When 2 And A Half Men is the number one show in the land, despite being on for 700 years and swapping out its lead, the bar is clearly at floor level.  This is the proverbial 'any port' in the television shit-storm.

A lot of people enjoy Euflroria, which is an artsy RTS-type game.  A little repetitive but it's a solid game.

Out Of This World completely blew my mind as a kid.  I played the Super NES edition, and even with some control issues, I was mesmerized.  It felt really dark and alien compared to everything else on the shelf.

The problem was that they tinkered with the formula.  If you're gonna rip off 2 And A Half Men, you gotta bring in the sassy fat kid.  Sassy fatties = ratings.

Men Of A Certain Unwatchability.

I just want pre-cadaver Keira Knightley back.  I fucking watched Domino for that woman.

I played Deus Ex: Human Revolution while my wife watched Atonement.

*Uses Phoenix Down to revive.*