Lord Gaga

I thought it actually brought the joke full circle.  It was a funny stealth joke, they got their mileage out of it, and then they just paste it right on the damn screen with the next boat to get the final meta laugh out of it.  Besides, it's exactly the kind of thing an ass like G.O.B. would put on a boat.

You think it'll outlive 2 Big Tits?  I figure that people can talk themselves into watching something with Zooey Deschanel in it on the basis that it must have artistic merit.  Since both shows got a full year, sadly, I will have long forgotten this issue when it is resolved.

But why retire now, Krusty?  Why not 10 years ago?

Indeed.  Now they can actually try to put together a consistent, coherent show instead of aiming for some uber-marketable theme episode every damn week. 

THAT'S NOT… a real place.

Wait, that Doocey guy is in the closet?  I thought he was the token gay they trotted out there (like Alan Colmes, the token limp-wristed leftie) so every neo-conservative could use him as proof that the right doesn't hate fags.

R.E.M. - the 2Pac of alternative rock.  Except WAY manlier.

Don't be mean.  Hank spent hours picking out his best tattered hat and windbreaker for his big appearance on the tee-vee.

It wasn't drive-by snark at all; I love those shows.  It's just that extolling their virtues around here is like telling everyone that blowjobs are awesome.  It's sorta a given.

Eh, the same shit we always praise around here.  30 Rock, Arrested Development, Archer, etc.


Anyone who has done Sesame Street AND the Colbert Christmas Special is okay by me.  She really sold that 'bears are godless killing machines!' line.

Indeed.  Asian Annie is O-Ren.

Gorramn Boreanaz.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

I rushed to this article to see if someone had made this reference already.  I knew the answer would be 'yes,' but still, I had to try.

I love how the A.V. Club covers this show.  You guys leave no televised stone unturned.

Strangely, most people's beef with Noxon - that she overplayed the whole 'darker and edgier' card to the point of absurdity - might be a decent fit on Glee, which desperately needs its balls back.  But nobody, not even Ryan Murphy, deserves the Season Six Buffy treatment.

Noxon actually wrote some good episodes under Whedon's watchful eye - and, admittedly, several terrible ones - so she's okay in that role.  I doubt anyone would argue, though, that the show completely tanked once she took over.

That Glee is dead and I've made peace with it.  Now I just ogle Naya Rivera and Lea Michele while my wife enjoys whatever the hell it is that goes on with this show.