Lord Gaga

Boy, you're never gonna let me live that down, huh?

This is one of those rare records where I disagree with the 'less is more' concept.  A Dirt McGirt record should have a bunch of brilliant bits mixed in with padding, drunken insanity, and general incoherence.  It's the only way to showcase the man properly and get the ODB experience.

Remember when we were little, and we used to see who could do this the longest?  "Ahhhhhhahhhhhhaahhhhhhh….."

Is it, like, a DAT player?

She's a MASSIVE T.V. star in the making.  If you get my drift.

I can't even watch shows with an audience or laugh track.  Just feels corny, desperate, and weird.

I bought a ton of CDs from Borders thanks to their little music kiosks where they'd put all the latest quasi-alternative hipster stuff in 'em.  Anything outside said kiosks was grotesquely overpirced and best avoided, but I discovered many of the artists of my youth at Borders.

Poor thing.  She's on an iconic show, and yet she can only afford a frilly half-shirt and some tasteful little panties.  Frickin' cheap-ass limeys.


A million Dads watch this show with their nerdy kids.  Karen Gillian is their reward.

This will probably get me in trouble, but what the hell: what I said was "I know some links where you can donate to some very worthwhile orphanages and third-world hospitals, if anyone needs the info."  I apologize for butting heads with management.

I feel so honored… you troll, and you troll, and it seems like nothin' gets you nowhere…

Hope they didn't waste too many aprons on that jerk.

Whatever gives me a fucking night off.


As long as the Braves encourage their fans to do that fucking tomohawk chop, their franchise will suck, regardless of how well they perform.

How the fuck did Bruno cost $40 million?

The Summerslam finish is one of the many reasons I hate the Money In The Bank crap. The theory, I guess, is that it creates tension about when the guy holding it is going to cash in. The problem is that people paid $50 to see Cena/Punk resolve the 'undisputed champion' issue and the eventual winner was some other

"They didn't know how over Punk would get…"

The first movie is really quite funny, with a lot of good scenes. The sequels then abandoned the core concept of the whole thing - a cheesy 60's spy in modern society - to run off a bunch of poop jokes, or to recycle the funny bits from the previous films, but then comment on how they were recycling them, as if that