Lord Gaga

Gonna masturbate to Serena Atlschul out of nostalgia. Don't fail me, Google Video!


I loved how the show's crew and brass made a big statement before the season about how the leads are TOTALLY NOT GAY, just so Middle America (or whomever) could relax and enjoy the banality. Then, of course, they re-peppered the scripts with enough lesbian subtext to make even Xena choke so they could keep

Yeah, the Marta arc is sort of a drag. AD being AD, they still mined some great bits out of it, but I tend to skip those mid-season episodes when going through the DVDs.

No racist robots = no interest.

Big Yellow Joint…
Big Yellow Joint…
I'll meet you down at the Big Yellow Joint!

I do like his Hulk Hogan homage going on up there in that photo, though.

Eh, I've patronized a few prostitutes in my time. Always liked this porn star Riley Mason and she was working as an 'escort' for a while near my area, so what the hell, I figured. Good times. The only weird part for me was reconciling the social constructs of 'nice, normal people' sex and girls who were on the

Fuck y'all. Stevie Nicks is a LARP queen and a Level 20 Wizard of high reknown. She shall forever carry my heart in her Bag Of Holding.

Two tickets for Sherlock Homey, if you please.

I'll pass.

*Goes to tell story, knocks entire wall of thimbles onto the ground.*

It's okay, Lychack. I like you even if no one else does.

All the tabloid rags and TMZ and all that kinda killed it. It turns these people into meme-tastic freak shows. Factor in our 10-second attention span, and it's over.

Ditch the creepy chubby kid. And Harry, his adult-equivalent.

Tippy Martinez.

Not sure how I heard this, but I guess she runs a D&D campaign with her grandkids. On voice and demeanor alone, that must've been A+ shit.

Nah, the Freebirds, the infamous wrestling trio from the 80's. They're in the wonderfully pointless wrestling asides in the opening sequence.

It's not so much about Highlander being any good; it's that it's a better brand of 'affably bad' than the Matrix. I can be entertained by high cinema, but I also enjoy watching Clancy Brown devour the scenery with a Lego sword while Sean Connery mangles half-a-dozen accents at once in full "fuck you, pay me!" mode.

Normally I agree with ya, Penguin, but not on this one. Highlander is way more entertaining than the Matrix.