Lord Gaga

And the eyes. Good Lord, Taylor had some gorgeous eyes. R.I.P.

The GK games were definitely the unsung heros of the Sierra catalog. Some of the technical elements of the second game didn't quite work, but I loved the ambition.

Mages are the god-class of Origins; the other two are for veteran players or those who like the easier difficulty settings. Or you can roll one and then switch to Morrigan or Wynne for the whole game.

The Ultimate Edition of Origins (every ounce of content they ever made for it) is, I think, $35 or so on Steam. You might catch a sale once in a while, but there's no denying that's about 100 hours of good-to-great stuff for a basic price.

If you never develop Morrigan and simply have her as a tagalong, I can see how she'd be difficult, especially since she disapproves of half of your actions on a 'good' playthrough. And her Shapeshifting ability is total shit.

The Deep Roads bit IS explained, as it is their only option to restore the family fortune and take care of their mother. I had no beef with that, and obviously, it sets up the Chekov's Gun for the later bits of the game.

ZMF is pretty much spot-on. I like a lot of the interface changes, especially the improved talent trees and sensible dialog wheels, but the content just isn't as strong. Not a single one of the new allies can hang with Sten, Morrigan, or Leliana, and a few of them - Anders and that emo elf - are downright

Between the spicy chicken sandwich and those tasty new sea salt fries, I ate at Wendy's about a month ago and actually enjoyed myself.

I do believe…
… that this honky grandma is indeed trippin'.

Worry not, lads. I had a hand in this endeavor.

"My lyrical format/ sounds off like gun claps/ underground, where you need flashlights and hard hats"

I'm currently ranked 79 overall out of 60,000+ on the 360. It's glorious to have a game I can compete at in this era, where my old-man reflexes have made me cannon fodder in every other on-line game.

I'm developing a little gem called 'Handle With Care,' hoping to seize upon this clever name momentum.

The squirrel costume was clearly cuter. But was it better than Anya in the bunny suit on Buffy? That's still my gold-standard for adorablility.

You know what would be even funnier than this thread? You sucking my dick with no teeth.

Well, if this has become THAT kind of party, pardon me as I stick my dick in the mashed potatos.

Give me four bars of Duke Silver over this Outsourced horseshit.

We're not talking about a pop album here; something you slap together to meet a holiday release date.

What about Alan Jones, from the Sensible Party?

Where's my award for Most Supportive Husband?