Jesse Dangerously

Can 46 and doughy pass for 32 and gaunt? Or are they just going to CG his head onto some poor kid's body?

aw fuck
This would be a lot funnier if it wasn't such an unapologetic date rape anthem.

Boy Hufnagel, you must have really liked Wristcutters.

I was very upset by "surprisingly terrific" but have been very comforted by the sensible and correct perspectives displayed in this comment thread.

reality check
40YOV and K'd-U are two extremely mediocre and deeply misogynist movies with a light dusting of laughs. Judd Apatow made far better television than he does movies.

I have a prediction
Without reading any of the comments beforehand, I predict that at least 60% of them will be quotes of the character Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock.

Yeah, but it isn't. So it remains that kids who don't know it aren't stupid (for that reason).

I think the fact that the originating comment up there wasn't about the firsties amendment shows a new level of class has come to the A/V Club comments… a tear almost approaches my eye.

It is interesting…
…that almost every A/V Clubber polled preferred to imagine traveling through time to see a band in its original context than having them reunite now or in the future.

devil's advocate
If you consider that the vast bulk of Hillary Duff's fans have yet to enter their senior year of high school, it is a little bit fantastical to suggest that they would be idiots for not knowing who Faye Dunaway used to be.

I know this is old and no-one will read it
But this movie was a fucking travesty of the original material. I spent the whole time wondering why Dukic even thought he had wanted to adapt the story in the first place, since he clearly had no interest in its characters or themes. Just the setting, I guess.

Not exactly; more like the real songs serve to throw the rest of the film (not the "fake" songs particularly, they're fine songs) into the painful lucidity of context and totally pulls the skirt up off the whole enterprise.

Then put your other hand up if you read it again when you weren't a kid and realized that even though you get the references now, it didn't seem anywhere NEAR as funny!

"master stroke"
I was actually psyched for the glam and gayness. Those things failed in this case to save an empty, artless film.

Why would I go and watch those when I can read all the best lines in the comments here!???

Count me as a soldier in your The Ten army.

Nah it's still funny to think about. It's just not very funny to be the next guy to semi-quote it in a comment thread full of people who already semi-quoted it.

Oh man, what do you think ANGRY CHRISTIAN BALE would say if he was commenting on this item? Probably something humourously not unlike his rant at that DP on Terminator, am I right?


Oh, I get it! Nice move, you old Chris Ware book you.